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Deleting old web bench designs

I have built up a number of designs in webench and I would like to tidy up, and delete old designs, but I cannot find a method of doing that. The get started guide shows a number of links at the the right hand end of each line in MyDesigns, to open and delete rename a design but the latest gui only shows "open design".

How do I do this now ?


  • Tony,

    There are a couple of ways to Delete designs. First is from the MyDesigns link once you have an active WEBENCH design. Click on the MyDesigns link in the upper left hand side of the window:

     Go to the design you want to delete and scroll all the way to the right and you should see the open/share/copy/delete options.

    Select the Delete option and you will be prompted if you actually want to delete the design.

    That should remove the design.

    You can also click on the MyDesigns link from the WEBENCH® panel if you are logged into

    You will see a list of the latest designs that you created. You can change the list quantity to show as many as you need to find the design you want to delete. Then, select the word Delete on that design row.

    You will again be prompted before the design is deleted.

  • I only see the "Open Design" button as below ??



  • I did try in IE11 as well but the links to delete, share, report as shown in your explanation are not there ?
  • Tony,

    Have you tried to open a design and look at the MyDesigns link as I show in the first posting? It appears as though you are trying to delete the design from your profile listing in

    Let me know if you have tried and have the same issue.

  • Hi Britt, 

    I kept using the My Designs link I see in the MyTI profile page. Now I realise you have to open any design and then click that My Designs link, then you get the options. It is a bit inconsistent that My Designs offers different options in different pages :-) 

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  • Tony,

    Thanks for trying it out. I am glad that it works for you. I agree that there is some inconsistency here. I am sure that the developers will take a look at it to see what they can do.

    Let us know if you have any further issues.