Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI,
Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
importing the model into OrCAD gives errors
GVocmtemp 1 2 table {TEMP} = (-40.2880,1.43593, -10.0524,1.43840, 5.20942,1.43938, 35.1571,1.44012, 64.8168,1.44062, 79.7906,1.44086,
ERROR(ORPSIM-16366): Line too long. Limit is 132 characters.
this can be fixed by deleting some of the last couple of characters from each line and the space after the comma
the next error that comes up, i'm not sure how to fix:
ERROR(ORPSIM-15461): Incorrect number of interface nodes for X_U7.XInput.
this error was mentioned over in another thread where it was fixed for AMC13111 model, but not AMC1301