Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
I'm trying to replicate (in TINA) a simple transformer-based mains supply AC/DC power supply I physically made a couple of years ago (that works) with identical components - except some fine details about the transformer, I would assume - in order to learn how to use/model transformers in TINA.
The problem is that the results have no bearing on reality so I guess I have some parameters wrong somewhere or there is something about how I have drawn the schematic that affects the simulation. Where I expect to see around 12V Dc to 17V DC and ~80mA I get only ~300nV and 2nA.
I'm also unsure as to why I need to add a GND symbol to the AC sine wave input for it to function/not give errors.
Attached below is the schematic I am working with. Any idea as to what needs to be altered for it to simulate reasonably accurately, please? TIA.