Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
I have been working with Tina-Ti to create a design for an inverting opAmp circuit using an OPA350 or equivalent as a voltage follower whose input comes from a INA121, and which runs off a single 5V dc supply. The 350 input is an amplified 1V 10Hz sinusoid out of the 121, and incorporates a TLE2426 to provide a 2.5V reference at Vin+. I have started with a design that uses two identical 1Meg resistors in a conventional configuration to split the 5V OPA350 supply and it works like a charm (there is an output capacitor from the INA in front of the paired resistors). But when I try to introduce the TLE2426 as a replacement in the OPA350 portion of the circuit I get output which is a ripple superposed on 2.5V DC, indicating that my setup for the 2426 is really wrong. I have tried to follow designs I've seen on the internet to introduce the TLE.
I'm guessing that I am misunderstanding the difference between the chassis ground and the reference ground, but cannot see how. Can someone point me to a circuit layout that will work in the TI simulator?