So I see and understand the value of the PNP transistor acting as a passive Miller clamp here but I would like clarification of the diode placed between the gate and emitter. I also have more questions about the PNP transistor selection and turnoff capability.
1. My guess is that this diode keeps the turnoff loop contained to the PNP transistor rather than including the gate driver's turnoff capability. Am I correct? Can the diode be excluded or does that compromise the effectiveness of this passive miller clamp?
2. How would one control the turnoff switching time with this passive Miller clamp? Often gate drive design includes a way to control both turnon and turnoff switching rates with diodes and resistors. I see turnon time in this design is limited by the 24ohm resistors but how to do this for turnoff here?
3. I see the chosen PNP device has a collector emitter breakdown of 80V and a max collector current of 8A. Why a value of 80V? Wouldn't the voltage difference never exceed Vdd between collector and emitter?