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Training Course, Mixed-Signal Simulation with PSpice for TI 2020

I've just started working through the "Mixed-Signal" course materials mentioned in the title.

It didn't take too long to run into a snag. On page 6, Step 4, the student is instructed to "Choose empty_all_Libs.opj from the pull-down menu and click OK". It would seem that this instruction relates to the window pictured immediately above Step 4, which shows "AnalogGNDSymbol.opj" in the drop-down line.

As a newbie, I am already having to wonder:

  1. "Why wasn't a screen shot chosen here to show the desired empty_all_libs.opj in the drop-down menu line, since that is where we want to go? And, even more confusing,
  2. The so-called 'existing project',  "empty_all_libs.opj" , doesn't exist. Or, if it does exist, the established Paths / environment variables don't point to the directory where this drop-down menu might find that *.opj file. I did a search of the folder where the Training Course resources are located, and it is not there. I would think that if this is a 'standard' existing project (not specific to this Training Course, the system would find it readily).

Here is what I see in my drop-down menu:

With this in mind, it is hardly worth proceeding with the remainder of the first exercise, as subsequent instructions rely on the previously established steps. And I am sure that the second exercise is going to build on the happy results of the first (and so forth).

For the sake of being adventurous, I did create a New Project based on the illustrated 'existing project', which is AnalogGNDSymbol.opj   As expected, it does create a new project. But how it might differ from the one that might've resulted from empty_all_libs.opj remains a mystery. Perhaps it is important for the student's purposes. Perhaps it is not.

  • Soldiering on.....

    Well, I used the AnalogGNDSymbol.opj as a template, and created the circuit as instructed, and then did the simulation, as instructed.

    And, Voila!

    .....and, as you can see from the screen-shot, running the simulation generates an Error (# ORCAP-15052)

  • Hi Michael,

    Would you please take a look at the session log? It's at the bottom of the PSpice for TI window, below the schematic.


  • Session Log_TI_PSPICE.txt
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orpicis64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orpiica64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orpiPIC64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orpiPspice64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orApConCtl64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\orgenlibcom64.dll
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\ortruereuse64.ocx
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\PspiceExplorerSrvr.exe
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\simmgr.exe
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\SimSrvr.exe
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\mrksrvr.exe
    INFO(ORCOMMN-11077): Registration successful in admin mode for C:\Program Files\Cadence_TI_Spice\tools\bin\pspice.exe
    INI File Location:C:\mysys\1.0\home\cdssetup\OrCAD_CaptureTIPSpice_Install/17.4.0/Capture.ini
    INFO(ORCAP-2191): Creating PSpice Netlist
    INFO(ORNET-1041): Writing PSpice Flat Netlist C:\Users\Mike\Documents\Mike's Documents\Pspice for TI course materials\My_PSpice_Projects\Main_Projects\17_4\RC-PSpiceFiles\SCHEMATIC1\
    INFO(ORNET-1169): Unable to open the property mapping file: devparam.txt. To resolve this problem, ensure that PSpice.ini exists at the correct location. After that check Library Path in simulation settings contains <installation-path>/tools/pspice/library path and then create the netlist again.
    INFO(ORNET-1162): Unable to create design property file.

    I read through the Log, and changed the library path. That seems to have fixed the problem. I uploaded the session log as a *.TXT file. Hopefully you can access that file (in my editing window, it just appears as a placeholder with the name of the file)

    I would point out, though, that the image(s) in the Lab notes need to be updated. For example, on page 15 this image

    doesn't match the current frame view, which now looks like this:

    It took some time to finally recognize these new symbols as equivalent to the ones in the Lab notes.

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks. The PDF file was created before we released the first version and in the latest update that went out last week, many icons and UI elements are revised so the PDF is currently out-of-date. We'll address this shortly.


  • Thanks, JC.

    Did you see anything in the Error Log that I might've missed? Because I am getting error messages upon exiting (still), there seems to be on-going issues with the Library path(s) or Environment Variables.

    Today, I have a new error message to report----about checking for Licenses (hmmm, thought this version of Pspice was license-free, so that was a surprise to see...) Thinking. Here is the error message:

    Apparently the software was trying to communicate with The Mother Ship; there was an active internet connection at the time so that wasn't the issue.


  • Hi Mike,

    Yes we've seen the (-1) error. It is free to use the software, however, there is a license file which gets updated automatically with internet connection. You can provide us some system related information using the follow commands (running in a Windows command window):

    • reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cadence\Client\TI_PSPICE_174 > registry.out 2>&
    • ipconfig /all > ipconfig.out 2>&1

    Please share the output files with us: registry.out and ipconfig.out via a private message.

    For your first problem, no I don't see anything obvious. Would you mind sharing the project by archiving it first? 


  • How to share via "private message" (I don't have your private Email address....cannot find a switch for this in the Reply)

    The switches " 2>& " and " 2>&1 " do not seem to be recognized in my system

  • Also, while working from the command-line in response to your suggestions (which was shortly after starting the computer this morning), Cadence 'Capture' started on its own. Or, at least, it seems to have started on its own; perhaps it was triggered by the command-line queries.

    In any case, the following notification appeared:

    I chose the YES response, as the settings suggested appeared to be either a correction to the existing problem, or at least a temporary work-around.

  • Sorry, the fist command misses a "1" at the end. Both works on my Windows:

