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Hi, I have tried building the R1 sniffer firmware and that builds fine for SDK 5.20, i tried updating the SDK to 5.40 but get a build variable cannot be resolved, COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13X2_26X2_SDK_INSTALL_DIR, any ideas on how to correct for this?
Hi Jamil,
Project Properties -> Resources -> Linked Resources now has COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13XX_CC26XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR, which as shown in .cproject assists in populating Project Properties -> Build-> Arm Compiler -> Include Options and Project Properties -> Build-> Arm Linker-> File Search Path, among others.
If you are attempting to support the CC2652R7 then I would expect the value to be ti.platforms.simplelink:CC2652R7
I didn't realize you were looking at the TI RTOS build project, in which case the value is ti.platforms.simplelink:CC13X2_CC26X2. The oddly enough, it is still not CC13XX_CC26XX. Nevertheless you should be referring to tirtos_builds_cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7_release_ccs instead of tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs.
i'm going through this in stages. i'm using the R1 project from the sniffer_fw, and wanted to update the SDK. This compiled and built fine with SDK 5.20. I tried the RB project but that failed so didn't use that project. I then changed to using SDK 5.40 and changed the references to CC13X2_26X2 to CC13XX_CC26XX, apart from the previously mentioned platform setting, which iset to CC13X2_CC26X2, even though i'm still using the R1 target the following build error occurs, any ideas on what else to try?
**** Build of configuration Debug for project tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs ****
"C:\\ti\\ccs1110\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" all
../makefile.defs:17: recipe for target '../src/makefile.libs' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make10340-1.bat, C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make10340-1.bat, ...) failed.
make (e=267): The directory name is invalid.
gmake: [../src/makefile.libs] Error 267 (ignored)
../makefile.defs:17: recipe for target '../src/makefile.libs' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make13644-1.bat, C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make13644-1.bat, ...) failed.
make (e=267): The directory name is invalid.
gmake[1]: [../src/makefile.libs] Error 267 (ignored) recipe for target 'build-1745043089-inproc' failed
process_begin: CreateProcess(C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make10408-1.bat, C:\Projects\cc2652r7\wsSniffer2\tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs\Debug\make10408-1.bat, ...) failed.
make (e=267): The directory name is invalid.
gmake[2]: *** [build-1745043089-inproc] Error 267 recipe for target 'build-1745043089' failed
gmake[1]: *** [build-1745043089] Error 2
makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
**** Build Finished ****
Instead of attempting to modify the v5.20 tirtos_builds_cc13x2_cc26x2_release_ccs project, I recommend importing the v5.40 version instead (done automatically when importing a TI Driver example from the same version) and modifying the sniffer_fw properties to depend on this project instead, Build -> Depedencies. You will need to change all Build -> Environment variables, General -> Products, etc. along with the other locations previously discussed so that v5.40 is used instead of v5.20. This is clearly quite a significant effort, however the Tools Team has been working to refresh the sniffer firmware/images for the newest SimpleLink devices and will provide an update to the SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 solution sometime during the first half of 2022. Meanwhile, attached is a preliminary hex image which should work on the CC2652R7. Please let me know if it works as I have not had the opportunity to test it with this specific device.
Thanks for that porting info. Will the image support BLE5 and are there any sources that are available for this as it will make life easier for me?
I somehow accidentally provided a blank file, this has now been corrected in the original zip file and provided below
Functionality will be similar to existing, please refer to the SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 Help Documentation.
Have you used Smart RF Sniffer Agent before and had it working with an existing platform? It probably requires changes to the software project files to recognize this device variant. If your timeline allows then you can wait for the update.
I've not used the agent before, and don't have a different board, and need something urgently. Please can you provide sources for the agent or failing that provide sources for the sniffer cc2652R7.hex file?
I am checking with the Tools Team to confirm dependencies and viable workarounds.
Thanks for the patience, this updated xml file (replace in C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\sniffer_agent) should be capable of recognizing the CC2652R7 device
What is the behavior of the LEDs on the LP-CC2652R7 after programming the sniffer firmware? Have you disconnected the debugger after programming and reset the board?
After flashing the firmware using UniFlash, clicking the verify image button reported success. I selected the reset option. I then disconnected and reconnected the USB cable to the board. The LED closest to the processor is a steady green.
DIO7 (green LED) should be blinking. Please try again with the attached sniffer firmware image.
Hi Ryan, that worked, thanks. Will it be possible to get notified when there is an update to Packet Sniffer 2 software and release of the firmware?
I'm glad you now have a working setup. Since there is no software update notification subscription available, you will have to occasionally check the PACKET-SNIFFER tool page for updates.