I started a project based on "simple_peripheral" on the BLE5-Stack.
I dont neccessarily need the BLE 5.0 features. When compiling the stock example project already 94% of the flash is consumed. The left over 6% flash size is not enough for my code.
When compiling the "simple_peripheral" based on the "blestack" aka BLE4.x-Stack the flash is just filled up to 56% which is a huge difference. This would be more than enough for my code.
But when trying to port my code to the older simple_peripheral project it threw many errors because of the huge change in the GAP-API. And I liked the newer version of the API very much.
So my question is:
How can I reduce the size of the BLE5-"simple_peripheral"-project to roughly the same size as the BLE4.x-"simple_peripheral"-project (supposing that I DO NOT need the BLE5.0 features)?
The standard answer of "look into the users guide" doesnt work. Its not reducing the flash size at all.
Kind Regards