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I have imported Project zero, and made a custom profile using the sunlightservice.
When I make a connection using the BLEScanner,, I get the following waveform.
This waveform indicates that the connection has been established and we are looking at some transaction taking place every 45 msec, between the central (CC2640R2f) and peripheral (BLEScanner).
This 45 msec transaction persists, I have even tried to follow the link below,
Now I have made the following changes,
I have set the "DEFAULT_SUNLIGHT_TIMEOUT" = 80 ms. In the "APP_MSG_PERIODIC" I create the packet and try sending it. The below waveform indicates the packets being generated. But I observe the BLE transaction taking place at 45 msec and not 80 msec.
Kindly help me with eliminating the this 45 msec package transmission.
Mohin Shaikh
Hi Mohin,
I am not sure if I understand your requirements 100 percent. And also your plots are a bit confusing.
Do you have a sniffer log available to check what messages are transmitted ?
However if you want to change transmission interval, why dont you change the connection_interval located in project_zero.c ?
// Minimum connection interval (units of 1.25ms, 80=100ms) for parameter update request #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 12 // Maximum connection interval (units of 1.25ms, 800=1000ms) for parameter update request #define DEFAULT_DESIRED_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 36
Hi Mohin,
Did you manage to solve your issue?
Otherwise as mentioned above, a sniffer log would help to solve your problem.