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My customer is trying to send more than 16bytes UUID using two LP-CC2651R3SIPA boards.
host_test sample is running on one board. Modified simple_peripheral is running on another board.
He can send up to 16bytes of notification with below changes, but cannot over 16bytes.
Here are update source files and which lines are changed.
/****************************************************************************** @file simple_gatt_profile.c @brief This file contains the Simple GATT profile sample GATT service profile for use with the BLE sample application. Group: WCS, BTS Target Device: cc13xx_cc26xx ****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Texas Instruments Incorporated All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ****************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************* * INCLUDES */ #include <string.h> #include <icall.h> #include "util.h" /* This Header file contains all BLE API and icall structure definition */ #include "icall_ble_api.h" #include "simple_gatt_profile.h" #ifdef SYSCFG #include "ti_ble_config.h" #ifdef USE_GATT_BUILDER #include "ti_ble_gatt_service.h" #endif #endif /********************************************************************* * MACROS */ /********************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */ #ifndef USE_GATT_BUILDER #define SERVAPP_NUM_ATTR_SUPPORTED 17 #define buf_size_max 16 /********************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */ /********************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ // Simple GATT Profile Service UUID: 0xFFF0 CONST uint8 simpleProfileServUUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_SERV_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_SERV_UUID) }; // Characteristic 1 UUID: 0xFFF1 CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar1UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1_UUID) }; // Characteristic 2 UUID: 0xFFF2 CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar2UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2_UUID) }; // Characteristic 3 UUID: 0xFFF3 CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar3UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3_UUID) }; // Characteristic 4 UUID: 0xFFF4 CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar4UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4_UUID) }; // Characteristic 5 UUID: 0xFFF5 CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar5UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] = { LO_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_UUID), HI_UINT16(SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_UUID) }; /********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL VARIABLES */ /********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * LOCAL VARIABLES */ static simpleProfileCBs_t *simpleProfile_AppCBs = NULL; /********************************************************************* * Profile Attributes - variables */ // Simple Profile Service attribute static CONST gattAttrType_t simpleProfileService = { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfileServUUID }; // Simple Profile Characteristic 1 Properties static uint8 simpleProfileChar1Props = GATT_PROP_READ | GATT_PROP_WRITE; // Characteristic 1 Value static uint8 simpleProfileChar1 = 0; // Simple Profile Characteristic 1 User Description static uint8 simpleProfileChar1UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 1"; // Simple Profile Characteristic 2 Properties static uint8 simpleProfileChar2Props = GATT_PROP_READ; // Characteristic 2 Value static uint8 simpleProfileChar2 = 0; // Simple Profile Characteristic 2 User Description static uint8 simpleProfileChar2UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 2"; // Simple Profile Characteristic 3 Properties static uint8 simpleProfileChar3Props = GATT_PROP_WRITE; // Characteristic 3 Value static uint8 simpleProfileChar3 = 0; // Simple Profile Characteristic 3 User Description static uint8 simpleProfileChar3UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 3"; // Simple Profile Characteristic 4 Properties static uint8 simpleProfileChar4Props = GATT_PROP_NOTIFY; // Characteristic 4 Value //static uint8 simpleProfileChar4 = 0; static uint8 simpleProfileChar4[buf_size_max] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //16byte // Simple Profile Characteristic 4 Configuration Each client has its own // instantiation of the Client Characteristic Configuration. Reads of the // Client Characteristic Configuration only shows the configuration for // that client and writes only affect the configuration of that client. static gattCharCfg_t *simpleProfileChar4Config; // Simple Profile Characteristic 4 User Description static uint8 simpleProfileChar4UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 4"; // Simple Profile Characteristic 5 Properties static uint8 simpleProfileChar5Props = GATT_PROP_READ; // Characteristic 5 Value static uint8 simpleProfileChar5[SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // Simple Profile Characteristic 5 User Description static uint8 simpleProfileChar5UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 5"; /********************************************************************* * Profile Attributes - Table */ static gattAttribute_t simpleProfileAttrTbl[SERVAPP_NUM_ATTR_SUPPORTED] = { // Simple Profile Service { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, primaryServiceUUID }, /* type */ GATT_PERMIT_READ, /* permissions */ 0, /* handle */ (uint8 *)&simpleProfileService /* pValue */ }, // Characteristic 1 Declaration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar1Props }, // Characteristic Value 1 { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar1UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, &simpleProfileChar1 }, // Characteristic 1 User Description { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar1UserDesp }, // Characteristic 2 Declaration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar2Props }, // Characteristic Value 2 { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar2UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar2 }, // Characteristic 2 User Description { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar2UserDesp }, // Characteristic 3 Declaration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar3Props }, // Characteristic Value 3 { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar3UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, &simpleProfileChar3 }, // Characteristic 3 User Description { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar3UserDesp }, // Characteristic 4 Declaration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar4Props }, // Characteristic Value 4 { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar4UUID }, 0, 0, // &simpleProfileChar4 simpleProfileChar4 }, // Characteristic 4 configuration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, clientCharCfgUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, (uint8 *)&simpleProfileChar4Config }, // Characteristic 4 User Description { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar4UserDesp }, // Characteristic 5 Declaration { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, &simpleProfileChar5Props }, // Characteristic Value 5 { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar5UUID }, GATT_PERMIT_AUTHEN_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar5 }, // Characteristic 5 User Description { { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID }, GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar5UserDesp }, }; #endif // USE_GATT_BUILDER /********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */ bStatus_t simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method); bStatus_t simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method); #ifndef USE_GATT_BUILDER /********************************************************************* * PROFILE CALLBACKS */ // Simple Profile Service Callbacks // Note: When an operation on a characteristic requires authorization and // pfnAuthorizeAttrCB is not defined for that characteristic's service, the // Stack will report a status of ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY to the client. When an // operation on a characteristic requires authorization the Stack will call // pfnAuthorizeAttrCB to check a client's authorization prior to calling // pfnReadAttrCB or pfnWriteAttrCB, so no checks for authorization need to be // made within these functions. CONST gattServiceCBs_t simpleProfileCBs = { simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB, // Read callback function pointer simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB, // Write callback function pointer NULL // Authorization callback function pointer }; /********************************************************************* * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS */ /********************************************************************* * @fn SimpleProfile_AddService * * @brief Initializes the Simple Profile service by registering * GATT attributes with the GATT server. * * @param services - services to add. This is a bit map and can * contain more than one service. * * @return Success or Failure */ bStatus_t SimpleProfile_AddService( uint32 services ) { uint8 status; // Allocate Client Characteristic Configuration table simpleProfileChar4Config = (gattCharCfg_t *)ICall_malloc( sizeof(gattCharCfg_t) * MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS ); if ( simpleProfileChar4Config == NULL ) { return ( bleMemAllocError ); } // Initialize Client Characteristic Configuration attributes GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( LINKDB_CONNHANDLE_INVALID, simpleProfileChar4Config ); if ( services & SIMPLEPROFILE_SERVICE ) { // Register GATT attribute list and CBs with GATT Server App status = GATTServApp_RegisterService( simpleProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( simpleProfileAttrTbl ), GATT_MAX_ENCRYPT_KEY_SIZE, &simpleProfileCBs ); } else { status = SUCCESS; } return ( status ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn SimpleProfile_RegisterAppCBs * * @brief Registers the application callback function. Only call * this function once. * * @param callbacks - pointer to application callbacks. * * @return SUCCESS or bleAlreadyInRequestedMode */ bStatus_t SimpleProfile_RegisterAppCBs( simpleProfileCBs_t *appCallbacks ) { if ( appCallbacks ) { simpleProfile_AppCBs = appCallbacks; return ( SUCCESS ); } else { return ( bleAlreadyInRequestedMode ); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn SimpleProfile_SetParameter * * @brief Set a Simple Profile parameter. * * @param param - Profile parameter ID * @param len - length of data to write * @param value - pointer to data to write. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer). * * @return bStatus_t */ bStatus_t SimpleProfile_SetParameter( uint8 param, uint8 len, void *value ) { bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) { case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1: if ( len == sizeof ( uint8 ) ) { simpleProfileChar1 = *((uint8*)value); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2: if ( len == sizeof ( uint8 ) ) { simpleProfileChar2 = *((uint8*)value); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3: if ( len == sizeof ( uint8 ) ) { simpleProfileChar3 = *((uint8*)value); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4: // if ( len == sizeof ( uint8 ) ) if ( len == buf_size_max ) { //simpleProfileChar4 = *((uint8*)value); VOID memcpy( simpleProfileChar4, value, buf_size_max ); // See if Notification has been enabled GATTServApp_ProcessCharCfg( simpleProfileChar4Config, &simpleProfileChar4, FALSE, simpleProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( simpleProfileAttrTbl ), INVALID_TASK_ID, simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB ); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5: if ( len == SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN ) { VOID memcpy( simpleProfileChar5, value, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN ); } else { ret = bleInvalidRange; } break; default: ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; break; } return ( ret ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn SimpleProfile_GetParameter * * @brief Get a Simple Profile parameter. * * @param param - Profile parameter ID * @param value - pointer to data to put. This is dependent on * the parameter ID and WILL be cast to the appropriate * data type (example: data type of uint16 will be cast to * uint16 pointer). * * @return bStatus_t */ bStatus_t SimpleProfile_GetParameter( uint8 param, void *value ) { bStatus_t ret = SUCCESS; switch ( param ) { case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1: *((uint8*)value) = simpleProfileChar1; break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2: *((uint8*)value) = simpleProfileChar2; break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3: *((uint8*)value) = simpleProfileChar3; break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4: // *((uint8*)value) = simpleProfileChar4; VOID memcpy( value, simpleProfileChar4, buf_size_max ); break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5: VOID memcpy( value, simpleProfileChar5, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN ); break; default: ret = INVALIDPARAMETER; break; } return ( ret ); } #endif // USE_GATT_BUILDER /********************************************************************* * @fn simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB * * @brief Read an attribute. * * @param connHandle - connection message was received on * @param pAttr - pointer to attribute * @param pValue - pointer to data to be read * @param pLen - length of data to be read * @param offset - offset of the first octet to be read * @param maxLen - maximum length of data to be read * @param method - type of read message * * @return SUCCESS, blePending or Failure */ bStatus_t simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t *pLen, uint16_t offset, uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t method) { bStatus_t status = SUCCESS; // Make sure it's not a blob operation (no attributes in the profile are long) if ( offset > 0 ) { return ( ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG ); } if ( pAttr->type.len == ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE ) { // 16-bit UUID uint16 uuid = BUILD_UINT16( pAttr->type.uuid[0], pAttr->type.uuid[1]); switch ( uuid ) { // No need for "GATT_SERVICE_UUID" or "GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID" cases; // gattserverapp handles those reads // characteristics 1 and 2 have read permissions // characteritisc 3 does not have read permissions; therefore it is not // included here // characteristic 4 does not have read permissions, but because it // can be sent as a notification, it is included here case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1_UUID: case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2_UUID: *pLen = 1; pValue[0] = *pAttr->pValue; break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4_UUID: *pLen = buf_size_max; pValue[0] = *pAttr->pValue; // VOID memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, buf_size_max ); break; case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_UUID: *pLen = SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN; VOID memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN ); break; default: // Should never get here! (characteristics 3 and 4 do not have read permissions) *pLen = 0; status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; break; } } else { // 128-bit UUID *pLen = 0; status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } return ( status ); } /********************************************************************* * @fn simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB * * @brief Validate attribute data prior to a write operation * * @param connHandle - connection message was received on * @param pAttr - pointer to attribute * @param pValue - pointer to data to be written * @param len - length of data * @param offset - offset of the first octet to be written * @param method - type of write message * * @return SUCCESS, blePending or Failure */ bStatus_t simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB(uint16_t connHandle, gattAttribute_t *pAttr, uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset, uint8_t method) { bStatus_t status = SUCCESS; uint8 notifyApp = 0xFF; if ( pAttr->type.len == ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE ) { // 16-bit UUID uint16 uuid = BUILD_UINT16( pAttr->type.uuid[0], pAttr->type.uuid[1]); switch ( uuid ) { case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1_UUID: case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3_UUID: //Validate the value // Make sure it's not a blob oper if ( offset == 0 ) { if ( len != 1 ) { status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_SIZE; } } else { status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG; } //Write the value if ( status == SUCCESS ) { uint8 *pCurValue = (uint8 *)pAttr->pValue; *pCurValue = pValue[0]; if( pAttr->pValue == &simpleProfileChar1 ) { notifyApp = SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1; } else { notifyApp = SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3; } } break; case GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID: status = GATTServApp_ProcessCCCWriteReq( connHandle, pAttr, pValue, len, offset, GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY ); break; default: // Should never get here! (characteristics 2 and 4 do not have write permissions) status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND; break; } } else { // 128-bit UUID status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } // If a characteristic value changed then callback function to notify application of change if ( (notifyApp != 0xFF ) && simpleProfile_AppCBs && simpleProfile_AppCBs->pfnSimpleProfileChange ) { simpleProfile_AppCBs->pfnSimpleProfileChange( notifyApp ); } return ( status ); } /********************************************************************* *********************************************************************/
File name | Line# |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 79 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 181 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 302 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 502 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 505 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 569 |
simple_gatt_profile.c | 632-634 |
simple_peripheral.c | 1402-1441 |
Here is log output at Host side.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- [391] : <Rx> - 01:27:01.651 -Type : 0x04 (Event) -EventCode : 0x00FF (HCI_LE_ExtEvent) -Data Length : 0x18 (24) bytes(s) Event : 0x051B (1307) (ATT_HandleValueNotification) Status : 0x00 (0) (SUCCESS) ConnHandle : 0x0000 (0) PduLen : 0x12 (18) Handle : 0x002E (46) Value : 87:32:F2:2C:F0:F8:35:0C:35:0C:35:0C:32:0C:35:0C Dump(Rx): 0000:04 FF 18 1B 05 00 00 00 12 2E 00 87 32 F2 2C F0 ............2.,. 0010:F8 35 0C 35 0C 35 0C 32 0C 35 0C . --------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Kochiro,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing the specific changes made! We will look into this to recreate the issue if possible and get back to you soon. In the meantime, could you share what version of the SDK is being used by the customer?
Best regards,
Thanks for sharing the SDK version. The customer should be able to send a longer UUID by going into the Sysconfig settings, under BLE, selecting Broadcaster Configuration and opening up the Advertisement Set 1 and then Advertisement Parameters 1 and changing it within there.
If more questions arise or clarification is needed, please let me know.
Best regards,
Hi Luke,
The customer is asking exactly which parameter should be changed in below window.
Could you tell me?
Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro
Apologies, I meant to say advertisement data 1, not advertisement parameters 1. Opening up advertisement data 1 gives you the following options would should be helpful to the customer:
Best regards,
Hi Luke,
The customer still wants to know exactly which parameter should be checked in "advertisement data 1".
Which checkbox(es) should be checked?
Thanks and regards,
Koichiro Tashiro
The customer should select the More128-bit UUIDs Available option and then update the Num of UUIDs field as necessary.
Best regards,