Are there any utilities in the SDK that allow for parsing of data received from a scan report?
I have a CC2340 configured as a central and am scanning for a device advertising with a specific 128 bit UUID in the advertisement data.
This is the format of the advertising data that I'm sending out:
uint8_t advData1[] = { 0x02, GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS, GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_BREDR_NOT_SUPPORTED | GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS_GENERAL, 0x11, GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_MORE, 0x1d, 0xe9, 0xd9, 0xe7, 0x62, 0x7c, 0x44, 0xad, 0x90, 0xd8, 0x0f, 0xbb, 0x86, 0x1f, 0x73, 0x99, };
On the central side I'm currently just looking for 0x11 followed by GAP_ADTYPE__128BIT_MORE:
case BLEAPPUTIL_ADV_REPORT: { bleStk_GapScan_Evt_AdvRpt_t *pScanRpt = &scanMsg->pBuf->pAdvReport; if (pScanRpt->pData != NULL) { uint8_t indx = 0; while (indx < pScanRpt->dataLen) { // index is greater than 1 and 128 Bit UUID if (indx && pScanRpt->pData[indx] == GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_MORE) { // check length field if(pScanRpt->pData[indx-1] == 0x11 && indx+0x11 <= pScanRpt->dataLen) { snprintf(sUUID, sizeof(sUUID),"%X",&pScanRpt->pData[indx+1]); MenuModule_printf(APP_MENU_SCAN_EVENT + 1, 0, "128 Bit UUID: %s", sUUID); //for(size_t i = indx+1; i < indx+0x10; i++ ) { // MenuModule_printf(APP_MENU_SCAN_EVENT + 1, 14+i-indx-1, "%x", pScanRpt->pData[i]); //} } } // indx++; } }
But this is not printing the data I expect and based on the results that I'm seeing I'm hesitant to just do a full memcmp to determine a match.
So I just wanted to check do we have any utilities I could use within the stack that would parse this scan report data and returns a pointer to the requested field value?