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I'm using CC2340R5 SDK, version 7.40, basic_ble project.
I'm reading and writing data on UART_2. I'm sending commands on UART from MCU to BLE at initial but if BLE is disconnected/is in broadcasting mode, the UART callback function does not trigger.
While reading the callback function, it only triggers when I make a peripheral connection with android application.
In peripheral also, the callback does not always triggers. It sometimes misses the callback. Although, I get the data on UART.
Below is my code:
UART configuration:
void *mainThread(void *arg0) { char input; const char echoPrompt[] = "Echoing characters:\r\n"; UART2_Params uartParams; int32_t semStatus; uint32_t status = UART2_STATUS_SUCCESS; uint8_t tempbuf[64] = {0}; /* Create semaphore */ // semStatus = sem_init(&sem, 0, 0); // if (semStatus != 0) // { // /* Error creating semaphore */ // // while (1) {} // } /* Create a UART in CALLBACK read mode */ UART2_Params_init(&uartParams); uartParams.readMode = UART2_Mode_BLOCKING; uartParams.writeMode = UART2_Mode_BLOCKING; uartParams.readCallback = callbackFxn; uartParams.baudRate = 115200; // uartParams.readReturnMode = UART2_ReadReturnMode_PARTIAL; uartParams.dataLength = UART2_DataLen_8; uart_handle = UART2_open(CONFIG_DISPLAY_UART, &uartParams); }
UART Callback:
void callbackFxn(UART2_Handle handle, void *buffer, size_t count, void *userArg, int_fast16_t status) { // uint8_t tempbuf[260] = {0}; if (status != UART2_STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* RX error occured in UART2_read() */ // while (1) {} } status = UART2_read(uart_handle, buffer, sizeof(count), NULL); BLE_MCU_Cmd_parser(buffer); }
Calling in main() function:
int main() { pthread_t thread; pthread_attr_t attrs; struct sched_param priParam; int retc; /* Register Application callback to trap asserts raised in the Stack */ halAssertCback = AssertHandler; RegisterAssertCback(AssertHandler); Board_init(); /* Initialize the attributes structure with default values */ pthread_attr_init(&attrs); /* Set priority, detach state, and stack size attributes */ priParam.sched_priority = 1; retc = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attrs, &priParam); retc |= pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attrs, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); retc |= pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, THREADSTACKSIZE); if (retc != 0) { /* failed to set attributes */ // while (1) {} } retc = pthread_create(&thread, &attrs, mainThread, NULL); if (retc != 0) { /* pthread_create() failed */ // while (1) {} } /* Update User Configuration of the stack */ user0Cfg.appServiceInfo->timerTickPeriod = ICall_getTickPeriod(); user0Cfg.appServiceInfo->timerMaxMillisecond = ICall_getMaxMSecs(); /* Initialize all applications tasks */ appMain(); /* Start the FreeRTOS scheduler */ vTaskStartScheduler(); return 0; }
Also, the data is being corrupted as well.
Please suggest a solution or give more information on how callback trigger works.
Hello Rushikesh,
Thanks for reaching out.
How are you sending the UART data from the callback function? What is BLE_MCU_Cmd_parser(buffer); doing?
Please make sure to use BLEAppUtil_invokeFunction() when doing this. You can take a look on this e2e thread for reference:
In addition, for a complete UART over BLE example I would suggest looking into our example in GitHub: data_stream_UART_over_BLE.