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CC2642R-Q1: Max junction temp

Part Number: CC2642R-Q1


Hi there, 

Is there a parameter of max Junction temperature of CC2642-Q1? 

means over this, the chip potentially can be damaged. 

I am not asking the recommended TJ = RθJA × P + TA . , customer asks Max. 

BR. Albin

  • Albin,

    There is no spec for max Junction temperature. Our datasheet specifies the maximum ambient temperature only. The reason for this is that the additional heat generated by the CC device is so low that given the thermal resistance of the package, the difference between the junction and the ambient temperature is in the order of 1 degree. That's generally negligible.


  • Hi Andrew, 

    Thanks for reply. may I know which one is the maximum ambient temperature?

    I can see the recommended operation Ambient Temp and Max Storage temp. 

    If have TA max, I think customer can calculate the TJ max with the fomular. 

    agree with you TA and TJ is very close as it is low power device. 

    BR. Albin

  • Albin,

    Sorry, I meant to say the datasheet specifies a maximum recommended operating temperature which is 105C. We recommend that customers do not exceed this temperature. The performance detailed in the datasheet can not be guaranteed above 105C. 
