Dear Experts,
We are using CC2340R5 with SDK Version: Our application is based out of Data Stream example code, we are basically using the BLE Uart service for transparent uart communication with the end device.
Use Case: As per the client requirement we have to read the RSSI level of the module with respect to a reference device in mass production, to identify the faulty modules by comparing the RSSI level of the batch one by one with respect to ref. device. We will implement a UART command that will respond with the RSSI value.
Q1: How to read the module RSSI level, Is there any variable or function that holds the RSSI value with reff. to Data stream application?
Q2: What will be test setup, as our module is having the Data Stream based application, what I have to flash in the reff. device. Is there any way by which I can directly read the RSSI values from the Radio controller through HCI commands if I put the reff. module into Continuous Tx mode (*Radio into continuous Transmission mode)
Please Guide us & Let me know if more information is required from my end.
Thanks & Regards,
Harinder Singh