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CCS version : 12.7.1
SDK version :
Project : basic_ble
Removed menu.c from basic_ble project.
Enabled Peripheral + Central roles.
Configured General Configuration.
Configured Central Configuration.
Configured Peripheral Configuration.
Configured FreeRTOS.
After choosing Central, I had to reduce the heap
Add in the project
UART is used to configure and manage connections.
Connections are initialized via UART, specifying the device address.
The function that calls the connection
static bool Connect_Device(uint32_t dev_addr)
bool ret=false;
uint8_t addr[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0x50, 0xBF, 0xA0, 0, 0};
addr[2] = (dev_addr >> 16) & 0xff;
addr[1] = (dev_addr >> 8) & 0xff;
addr[0] = dev_addr & 0xff;
// Temporarily disable advertising
// Set the connection parameters
BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t connParams = {
.timeout = 0
// Copy the selected address
memcpy(connParams.pPeerAddress, addr, B_ADDR_LEN);
//Initiate a connection
if (BLEAppUtil_connect(&connParams) == SUCCESS) {
ret = true;
// Re-enable advertising
BLEAppUtil_advStart(peripheralAdvHandle_1, &advSetStartParamsSet_1);
return ret;
The device works without problems in peripheral mode.
Activate GAP initiator the BLEAppUtil_connect function returns SUCCESS.
But there are no events and, as I understand it, there is no connection.
The Connection_start and Central_start functions also return SUCCESS.
My Connect_Device function, which is given above, is implemented similarly as in the menu.c.
What's wrong? Why doesn't CC2340R5 work as а central role?
Note: a similar project based on CC2642R1 works without problems.
Wireshark shows that advertisements from the connected device are being made.
Thank you for reaching out.
I would first of all encourage you to assess if the connection manages to be formed. This can be done looking at the RF debug signals of the device or using a more advanced Bluetooth sniffer than the one you have. For reference, the debugging guide shows how to enable the RF debug signals here.
You should also ensure the device remains responsive, and check at the heap and stacks usage - see ROV usage here.
I hope this will help,
Best regards,
As you can see, everything is fine with heap and task.
The device remains responsive, the device is connecting via ble.
Thank you for sharing, the stack and heap look good.
Here are other elements you should consider:
Best regards,
thanks for the answer.
1) The first thing I did was make sure that the address of the device I was connecting to was correct.
3) I corrected the parameter Max Number of Connections = 2. The result is the same, events are missing.
4) Unfortunately, I don't have any other mechanism to check the connection than Wireshark. Since I don't have a debug board.
4) Unfortunately, I don't have any other mechanism to check the connection than Wireshark. Since I don't have a debug board.
- Do you manage to reproduce the issue on a TI LaunchPad?
- If not already done, please check the following:
I see you disable advertising before initiating a connection. This is a good idea as it maximize the air time available. However, your approach is not totally correct as advertising should be re-enabled only after the connection is established (or the connection establishment timeout is reached).
Best regards,
1) Unfortunately, I don't have a TI LaunchPad in stock. I just ordered it on Friday and will be able to check it by the end of this week.
2) I tried not disabling ads at all, it doesn't help.
But the idea itself was the following. I disable ads before sending the BLEAppUtil_connect command. At the same time, I set the timeout to 7 seconds. As I understand it, the BLEAppUtil_connect command is blocking. And after the BLEAppUtil_connect command is finished, I can safely enable ads.
Please tell me. Can the CC2340 be simultaneously connected as a Peripheral and connect other devices to itself as a Central? Or is it necessary to break the peripheral connection when connecting other devices to the Central role?
Hi Clement,
Adding the latest update here:
I have looked at your recommended documents for enabling debug output RF.
I have added the settings to the SysConfig of the project:
Previously, Max Number of Connections was set to 1. As I understand it, this is the maximum number of connected devices.
But it is not clear in the documentation. Is it the total number of connections, which includes both Peripheral and Central?
Or is it the number of active connections only for Central?
After changing the Max Number of Connections parameter nothing has changed, there are still no connect events.
Then I need to connect to DIO9/3 and DIO11/5 pins with the analyzer and capture trace from these inputs.
Is it necessary to synchronize the trace at the moment of Connect start? And how to do it?
Can we use another pin for this purpose, to which logical 1 will be output at the moment of startup?
I wanted to emphasize a few more things that were not described in my initial email.
To start the connect, the function BLEAppUtil_connect(&connParams) is called.
In the structure connParams tried to set different timeout from 0 to 30000.
But the reaction to the BLEAppUtil_connect command was always the same.
No matter what timeout I set, the BLEAppUtil_connect command was always terminated in no more than 1 s and returned SUCCESS.
So either the command is not working correctly, or there is something wrong with the settings, or there is always a connection within 1 s.
And one more thing. If I set timeout = 0, then few times (2-3 times) in the BLEAppUtil_processGAPEvents(BLEAppUtil_msgHdr_t *pMsg) handler I received the GAP_CONNECTING_CANCELLED_EVENT event.
In addition, after the BLEAppUtil_connect command completes, I can connect device1 via peripheral.
So the ble-stack remains always active.
It turns out that I am currently missing the CC2340 kit.
I will ask our testers to send it to me or I will ask the hardware guys to solder wires to DIO9/3 DIO11/5 pins.
So there will be a slight delay in getting the trace.
Thank you,
1) Unfortunately, I don't have a TI LaunchPad in stock. I just ordered it on Friday and will be able to check it by the end of this week.
What are the differences in your design vs the TI LaunchPad? Are you using a Low Frequency crystal (32 kHz)?
As I understand it, the BLEAppUtil_connect command is blocking.
I am afraid there is a confusion here. BLEAppUtil_connect() is NOT blocking.
My suggestion was then to ensure to keep advertising disabled until connection is established.
Please tell me. Can the CC2340 be simultaneously connected as a Peripheral and connect other devices to itself as a Central? Or is it necessary to break the peripheral connection when connecting other devices to the Central role?
The CC2340 is tested to maintain up to 8 connections simultaneously, both as central and as peripheral.
My suggestion about disabling advertising was to maximize the available air-time but should not be required if the connection intervals and advertising intervals are large enough.
Previously, Max Number of Connections was set to 1. As I understand it, this is the maximum number of connected devices.
But it is not clear in the documentation. Is it the total number of connections, which includes both Peripheral and Central?
Or is it the number of active connections only for Central?
I confirm you are referencing here the general configuration so you are setting the maximum number of connections (i.e. the sum of peripheral and central connections).
Then I need to connect to DIO9/3 and DIO11/5 pins with the analyzer and capture trace from these inputs.
Is it necessary to synchronize the trace at the moment of Connect start? And how to do it?
Can we use another pin for this purpose, to which logical 1 will be output at the moment of startup?
In general, the radio activity expected in the various states is quite recognizable so you should not need anything special here. If you do want to "mark" you logs, you can toggle a third GPIO right before calling BLEAppUtil_connect().
I wanted to emphasize a few more things that were not described in my initial email.
To start the connect, the function BLEAppUtil_connect(&connParams) is called.
In the structure connParams tried to set different timeout from 0 to 30000.
But the reaction to the BLEAppUtil_connect command was always the same.
No matter what timeout I set, the BLEAppUtil_connect command was always terminated in no more than 1 s and returned SUCCESS.
So either the command is not working correctly, or there is something wrong with the settings, or there is always a connection within 1 s.
This behavior is expected as BLEAppUtil_connect() is not a blocking function.
I hope this will help,
thanks a lot for the clarification.
There is a warning in the SimpleLink CC23xx SDK BLE5-Stack User's Guide under the GAP Initiator
<When initiating timeout is set to 0 (wait indefinitely), the CC23xx will stay in initiator role until a connection is successfully established. If the peripheral device disappeared from the network before the connection is established, the only method for initiator to exit this state is to call GapInit_cancelConnect() or BLEAppUtil_cancelConnect()
I was confused. From this warning I understood the following. After calling the BLEAppUtil_connect() function, go into Initiator mode and everything is blocked until a connection is established or must issue the BLEAppUtil_cancelConnect() command to exit Initiator mode.
A non-zero timeout works in the same way. After the specified timeout, the Initiator will either connect the device with the <BLEAPPUTIL_ESTABLISHED_EVENT> event or with the <BLEAPPUTIL_CONNECTING_CANCELLED_EVENT> event and terminate its work.
This is what our implementation looks like
May I kindly suggest you to request a design review following this link:
Best regards,
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will use this service through our regional manager and perform a design review.
I got LaunchPad on CC2340R5.
Took the original project basic_ble from sdk_8_10_01_02.
Made changes to sysConfig:
1) Device Role = <Peripheral + Central>
2) Max Number of Connections = <2>
Added a task iBus_task that, after 30 seconds, tries to connect a device with a specified address.
This task is run in app_main.
void appMain(void)
// Call the BLEAppUtil module init function
BLEAppUtil_init(&criticalErrorHandler, &App_StackInitDoneHandler,
&appMainParams, &appMainPeriCentParams);
void *iBus_task(void *arg0)
struct timespec taskTimer;
// Create semaphore
int32_t semConnectStatus = sem_init(&semConnect, 0, 0);
if (semConnectStatus != 0)
/* Error creating semaphore */
while (1) {}
for(;;) {
// Semaphore check period 30s
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &taskTimer);
taskTimer.tv_sec += IBUS_WAIT_SEMAPHORE_SEC;
// Waiting for semaphore
sem_timedwait(&semConnect, &taskTimer);
static bool Start_Connect(void)
// Address device
uint8_t addr[8] = {0x28, 0xE0, 0x03, 0x50, 0xBF, 0xA0, 0, 0};
bool ret = false;
// Check connect
if (flag_connect == false) {
// Set the connection parameters
BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t connParams = {
.phys = INIT_PHY_1M,
.timeout = 10000,
// Copy the selected address
memcpy(connParams.pPeerAddress, addr, B_ADDR_LEN);
//Initiate a connection
if (BLEAppUtil_connect(&connParams) == SUCCESS) {
ret = true;
return ret;
I am launching the project for execution.
Check that the stack started without errors.
After 30 seconds, the Start_Connect function is called and all freezes.
I go step by step and find the place where it hangs.
In the module <icall_POSTFIX.c>, the function <icall_directAPI>.
When this function is called from a thread which has not registered an entity, either through ICall_enrollService or through ICall_registerApp.
The Start_Connect function is called in a similar way on my standard device, but it doesn't hang there and there is no error.
When this function is called from a thread which has not registered an entity, either through ICall_enrollService or through ICall_registerApp.
As you stated, the ICALL_ERRNO_UNKNOWN_THREAD is raised if the thread/task accessing the BLEStack has not registered calling ICall_registerApp. When using the BLEAppUtil framework, this call is made within BLEAppUtil_stackRegister.
The same is documented here:
To fix your issue, I believe you should:
Open SysConfig -> BLE -> Advanced Settings -> ICALL and add one to the “Max Number of Icall Enabled Tasks” entry.
// Register to the stack and create queue and event BLEAppUtil_stackRegister();
I hope this will help,
Best regards,
I made all the changes you suggested, but it didn't solve the problem.
The error is still the same ICALL_ERRNO_UNKNOWN_THREAD = -5.
I don't understand why we need to perform another registration AppUtil in the stack?
We already did this at the BLEAppUtil_init stage, when we created the BLEAppUtil_createBLEAppUtilTask task.
I remade the Start_Connect function call.
Now there is no error and the connection appeared as an event BLEAPPUTIL_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT. I also got the number of the connected counter.
It turns out that it works on LaunchPad Connect.
I will try to compare how the settings of the original basic_ble project differ from the standard software.
Tell me, if I received the event BLEAPPUTIL_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT.
Is the value gapEstMsg->devAddr the real value received during connection?
Or is it the address specified in the BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t structure?
The address held by gapEstMsg->devAddr when receiving a BLEAPPUTIL_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT is the address received during connection.
Tell me, what time should be set in Central Configuration for Supervision Timeout?
And how it should correlate with timeout in the BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t structure?
BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t connParams = {
.phys = INIT_PHY_1M,
.timeout = 5000,
I want to emphasize the following. It was determined at random.
If in the Central Configuration the Supervision Timeout parameter is set to be greater than the timeout in the BLEAppUtil_ConnectParams_t structure, then everything works and events are issued.
It turns out that the GapInit_connect function should monitor these parameters and return an error, but in fact it always returns SUCCESS.
the connection event is generated, but for some reason in the connection parameters connectionHandle = 0.
This situation is both on the standard device and on LaunchPad.
the connection event is generated, but for some reason in the connection parameters connectionHandle = 0.
Well done, these are great news.
As of the connectionHandle being 0, this is perfectly expected as the first connection handle is generally 0. Note that the invalid connection handle is rather 0xFFFF.
Best regards,