Hi Ti
Recently we are doing pre-test cetification for our two kinds of boards, one of boards is using CC2340R5Q1, the other is CC2745.
We are meeting some problem when we are doing CE test in the test item named Power Spectral Density, whose limit is 10 dBm/MHz. And request in CE test for Power Spectral Density is below. The result need add Antenna Gain.
Now the max Power of CC2340R5Q1 is 8dBm, and CC2745 is 12dBm now(but later it will can support 20 dBm). CC2340R5Q1 can be margin to the limit of Power Spectral Density in CE test but it is still dangerous. But Power Spectral Density of CC2745 is more than 10dBm/Mhz, and it does not add Antenna Gain that follow CE request. It makes us difficult to pass the CE certifiacation.
So we wanna ask did CC2340R5Q1 & CC2745 have finish CE&ARIB&FCC certification? And how can we do for Power Spectral Density in CE test?
Our surrounding:using Smart RF studio 8 to control our Boards by XDS.
version of Smart RF studio 8: v1.1.0
SDK of CC2340:simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_10_01_02__win
SDK of CC2745:simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_10_00_46_eng
Best regards,