CC2340R5: How to get the system time of the phone after Bluetooth connection

Part Number: CC2340R5



 I need to create a clock product. After the CC2340 connects with a smartphone, how can I get the system time of the phone. It’s not possible to send the time through an app, as we are not developing an app for the product. How can the CC2340 synchronize time with the system after connecting via Bluetooth?

  • Hi,

    There is nothing inherent with a Bluetooth LE connection with a mobile phone that allows the connected peer to have access to the time stored in the mobile phone. I imagine that you will need to add this functionality in a custom app on the phone side that obtains the local time of the phone and sends it to the CC2340R5 via a GATT operation (such as a write or notification/indication).

    Best Regards,
