Chipset Used:CC2340R5
SDK Version: simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_10_01_02
I am using the CC2340R5 in Central Role and used this example as a reference. The example code demonstrates how we can read and write from services and characteristics.
However, The handle values of read and write are hardcoded in the above example. What I am interested in is service discovery, If I can perform service discovery then I can perform read and write on any handle value that supports it.
Upon reading the "gatt.h" header file, I found that we have a function called "GATT_DiscAllPrimaryServices". Once I connect to a peripheral device, I call the below function.
I have also registered for the relevant events in dataGATTHandler as shown below.
I get a BLEAPPUTIL_ATT_READ_BY_GRP_TYPE_RSP event after 20 seconds but the there are no handles present in "attReadByTypeRsp_t" structure.
Please help me resolve the issue.