CC2652R7: tools question ---- how to create new workspace in CCS 20.0.2

Part Number: CC2652R7


I was using V12.6 and have existing workspaces....Tried to upgrade tools for CC2652 to no avail so I scrapped the whole TI tool suite and did a reinstall with the latest....Little did I know it changed so much.....I cannot seem to find any buttons related to 'switch workspace' or 'create workspace' or 'import workspace' etc.  how can i do this?

A bigger issue seems to be I pointed it to a folder on my drive with all my firmware projects (guessing now this is my new workspace) and it now seems impossible to remove certain folders like with the old version without the delete sending it to trash?



  • Hello Steve,

    I hope you are doing well. When opening CCS you should be prompted with a screen to "select a directory as workspace" in this screen you can either create a new workspace/folder, choose and existing workspace, or browse and find an older workspace that is compatible. 

    Alex F

  • Hello Alex....

    I wish that was the case ...when I open V20 I do not get that option....I get this....The only thing I can think to do is to go to C:/users/<username>/workspace_ccstheia and copy over that .theia file to some place where I want to start or have my workspace....Maybe I  am missing something but it seems pretty cumbersome relative to the old eclipse.  I tried the various workspace stuff below but it creates havoc.....

    My hope:  Was to create a workspace and add / remove projects from that as I did with V12. 

  • Hello Steve,

    Looks like I misunderstood your IDE (though it was CCS Eclipse not CCS Theia), I apologize. 

    Looking into the user's guide it seems like we need to use a different structure then previously, where we would create folders to hold the workspace see Section 6.1.1:

    6.1. Creating and Managing Projects — Code Composer Studio Theia 1.5.0 Documentation

    Alex F