I want to transfer data through an external MCU board to the Bluetooth buffer, through SPI and then I need to transfer the same received data through Bluetooth to other devices. Should I have to use NPI network for this application?
Thank you.
NPI could be an option for the architecture you are describing, but typically it is used when you want an external MCU to control the BLE device. Another option would be to use a UART over BLE example such as the serial socket examples listed below:
Best Regards,
I am not able to import the files. I am getting an error as incompatible version . Can you please provide the latest version code example.
I am using CCS v.12. and CC26xx SDK v8.3.
Thank you.
My apologies, those examples are available on the 5.10 SDK release. You will need to port them up to the 8.30 if you want to use the latest SDKs. We offer version to version migration guides that will help in bringing the project up to the desired SDK version.
Best Regards,
Can you please provide the link to transfer this file to sdk 8.30v.
Thank you.
No problem! The migration guides may be found here:
Best Regards,
Thank You, it helped me resolve the issue.
There one more issue for clarification. After transmitting the data continuously from through ble continuously through peripheral device, is there a provision to continuously read and display the data in the central device without the button use for GATT read?
Best Regards.
If you are unable to modify the peripheral, then you must continuously call GATT_read(). However, if you can modify the peripheral, then you can change the characteristic to have the notify property, make the central subscribe to the characteristics and send a notification after each update. This will automatically notify the application code of the central device and prevent having to call gatt_read() repeatedly.
Best Regards,