CC2340R5: If CC2340R5 is working in dual mode (i.e., both central and peripheral mode) then can it connect with a central device as a peripheral and with a peripheral device as a central at the same time?

Part Number: CC2340R5


I am using a CC2340R5 in a 2W TCU (Telematics control unit), it is working in dual mode i.e., Central and Peripheral both. I have a BLE keyfob which is working in peripheral mode and mobile phone working in a central mode. In my application there will be scenarios where keyfob and mobile phone both will be connected to TCU working is dual mode. So, i want to know is this possible to achieve. Can a device working in dual mode can be connected to devices (one working in peripheral mode and other working in central mode) at the same time.

  • Hello,

    Yes, a device in dual mode (also known as, multi role) will be able to be connected to the different devices in the two different modes.


    Nima Behmanesh

  • So in this case, if my TCU is working in multirole, it can transfer data to BLE Keyfob (peripheral) and mobile phone (central) at the same time without having any loss of data. 

  • Hi Ankit,

    Yes. You can have multiple connections, in various roles and the scheduler of the BLE stack will handle this. 


    Nima Behmanesh