Dear TI team,
For our customer we are creating a software that suppose to advertise data on one channel at a time (channel selection by serial command).
We created 3 handle for broadcasting, 3 `GapAdv_params_t` structures and 3 `BLEAppUtil_AdvInit_t` where each define a configuration for one of the channels.
We also create one `BLEAppUtil_AdvStart_t` because it stores exactly the same data for each of channel.
GapAdv_params_t advParams_37 = {.... .primChanMap = GAP_ADV_CHAN_37, ... }; GapAdv_params_t advParams_38 = {.... .primChanMap = GAP_ADV_CHAN_38, ... }; GapAdv_params_t advParams_39 = {.... .primChanMap = GAP_ADV_CHAN_39, ... }; BLEAppUtil_AdvInit_t `broadcasterInitSettings_37 = { ... .advParam = &advParams_37, ...}; BLEAppUtil_AdvInit_t `broadcasterInitSettings_38 = { ... .advParam = &advParams_38, ...}; BLEAppUtil_AdvInit_t `broadcasterInitSettings_39 = { ... .advParam = &advParams_39, ...}; BLEAppUtil_AdvStart_t broadcasterStartSettings = { .... };
BLEAppUtil_initAdvSet(&broadcasterAdvHandle_37, &broadcasterInitSettings_37); BLEAppUtil_initAdvSet(&broadcasterAdvHandle_38, &broadcasterInitSettings_38); BLEAppUtil_initAdvSet(&broadcasterAdvHandle_39, &broadcasterInitSettings_39);
BLEAppUtil_advStop(broadcasterAdvHandle_37); BLEAppUtil_advStop(broadcasterAdvHandle_38); BLEAppUtil_advStop(broadcasterAdvHandle_39); case 37: BLEAppUtil_advStart(broadcasterAdvHandle_37, &broadcasterStartSettings); break; case 38: BLEAppUtil_advStart(broadcasterAdvHandle_38, &broadcasterStartSettings); break; case 39: BLEAppUtil_advStart(broadcasterAdvHandle_39, &broadcasterStartSettings); break;
Hello Kamil,
Thanks for reaching out, apologies for the delay, I was out of office.
What SDK version are you using? May I ask you to please run a quick extra test enabling the RF outputs (PA/LNA) following the user guide: and probing the output with a logic analyzer. Do you see the adv TX and RX over the 3 channels? If you can share the snippet of the logic analyzer that would be great.