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Over The Air F/W Download support CC2541 Keyfob

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541, CC2540

I want to support Over The Air Firmup function of CC2541 Keyfob.

It looks link OAD is supported SensorTag source code of BLE Stack 1.3.

But I can not find iOS sample application.

Can you advice how to develop iOS FirmUp program.

  • Hi sakaken,

    We had to take down the sample application, hopefully temporarily, due to some legal uncertainty regarding distribution of apps outside the app-store.

    We will add at least the bare minimum information in the near future. In the meantime, use the TI BLE SensorTag app v2.1 or Device Monitor to upload .bin files to your device.

    To get you started, you can program the keyfob with the BIM image and SimpleBLEPeripheral with the OAD-ImgA build configuration selected.

    1. Use SmartRF flash programmer to erase+program+verify the BIM hex file (compile Projects\ble\util\BIM\cc254x)
    2. In IAR open SimpleBLEPeripheral, select the OAD ImgA build settings, then press ALT+F7, go to Linker. Under output, rename the file to .hex, and choose Other->intel extended. Compile.
    3. Program this hex file to the device using SmartRF flash programmer using append+verify.
    4. You should now be able to program .bin files to this device over the air. Make sure that you program ImgB if imgA is running and vice versa.

    Best regards,

  • You should also add CC2540_MINIDK to the preprocessor defines, for proper board control during power save when you are using the keyfob as target.


  •   In the meantime, use the TI BLE SensorTag app v2.1

    Is ths "SensorTag app v2.1" a app which download from AppStore?

    SensorTag is in my hand and I download "SensorTag app v2.1" ,

    But I can not find FirmUp menu.

  • If you have programmed the sensortag with the hex-file in the 1.3 stack (Accessories\HexFiles\CC2541DK_BIM_SensorTagOadImgA.hex) you should be able to click Profiles at the bottom of the screen with all the sensordata on the iphone, and there enable OAD.

    Note that the first batch of sensortags produced does not include the OAD profile preprogrammed.

    Best regards,

  • I could confirm On The Air firmup using BLE MultiTool and CC2541DK_BIM_SensorTagOadImgA.hex.

    After writing unknown firmware from "TI OAD Menu", SensorTag does not work know.

    Even if rewriting frimware from Flash Programmer problem is not improved.

    I can not find how to recover.

  • Aslak N. said:

    We had to take down the sample application, hopefully temporarily, due to some legal uncertainty regarding distribution of apps outside the app-store.

    We will add at least the bare minimum information in the near future.

    Hi Aslak, is there any ETA on this yet?

  • Hi,

    Sorry, no. I'd guess a week or two, depending. I'll post on the forum when we have it on the wiki.


  • - I have sucessfully applied this procedure and I can connect my tag from the SensorTag app v2.1.

    - I can switch to the OAD profile

    - I see the upload image button

    1. Internal image shows 2 TI firmware (not interesting in my case)

    2.Shared files does not provide me anything...

    Question: What is the procedure to add a (bin) file in "the shared files" list ?

  • I think the solution was easy:

    - Need to go in itunes and find the TI Sensor tag

    - Access the shared section of this app

    - upload the bin file and do the syncrho

    - Open the TI Sensor tag iOs app and you see the bin file to be uploaded on the tag !

  • Aslak, Hi again.  I just checked and there is a new firmware version 1.3.1, but I still don't see any additional support for OTA updates in the release notes.  I think the problem before was TI not being able to release an iOS example build on to the app store.  Is there any way TI can support us directly on this?
