I have a CC2540_USB_dongle. While i program sniffer_fw in it, it can't be a serial virtual com port.
What a strange, if i program the CC2540_USBdongle_HostTestRelease_All.hex in it .
It can be recognised a serial virtual com port!!
There is no uart-to-usb chip in the dongle.What's more i can no find any rs232 converter chip,like max232 on the dongle.
How the CC2540_USBdongle can be a serial virtual com port???
Just only by using the usb controler, which is in CC2540 chip?
OK, anyway, If just only be a virtual serial com port by using usb controler, I want to send data to the PC. How to program it,
is that any example??
I have looked through HCI_API_user_guide, but i can not find any api that i can send data to PC. So that the pc just receive
the data from a teriminal,like Putty.