I'm testing the sample KeyFob code to validate my custom hardware (a breakout board) is functional and have ported it over to the CC2540Dongle (changed the target and target library). Custom board is built using the datasheet but matches the CC2540Dongle schematics minus a couple 100nF caps indicated on the VCC lines.
The code works perfectly on the USB dongle - compiles on IAR, can push a button (S2) to advertise. Also, if I debug with the CCDebugger on either the CC2540Dongle or my custom board, the program works just fine. But, it does not work if I unplug the CCDebugger or try to let the code run on its own (i.e. not through debug but just program it).
The "program" I'm running, I just vary the LED pin from P0_0 to P0_1 to test if the code works or to one of the testpins (ex. P0_5 on dongle). The "button press" for advertising doesn't work on the custom board, even in debug - not sure why as it's just bringing the pin low.
- Tested 32MHz oscillator with o-scope, see the 32MHz waveform in 10x mode, with a trigger, 0.05us, spans ~6 units width, 40mVPP
- Reference voltages seem to check out 1.26V (RBias) and 1.86V (DCOUPL)
- Strange high (3.3V) registering on P1_7 for no reason on custom board
- CCDebugger can recognize and program either boards just fine
Kinda pulling my hair out on this one and have googled and checked through forum without indication of solution.