Hey guys;
I'm currently working on a project for my undergrad involving sending data to a phone via Bluetooth. I currently have the cc2540 Mini Dev-Kit and have been looking through the different sample codes, mostly simpleBLEPeripheral. The current plan is to read in external data then send it over in bursts; right now I'm only concerned about getting communication between the devices up and running; the phone code will be done later.
I took a look at this, it is similar to what I'm doing: http://e2e.ti.com/support/low_power_rf/f/538/t/157081.aspx
So, say for example I have an array with 2000 integer datapoints (~ 32000+ bits) and I want to send it via bluetooth to the phone. Based on the above link I could send 10 data points for each characteristic and simply have that occur 200 times? Would this become a timing issue if it were scaled up to more characteristics being sent (say from accelerometer or gyro data)?
I have a lot of freedom with how I send the data based on the project specifications; either through duty-cycling the transfer times after sampling or doing both at the same-time. Right now I plan to use periodic events to sample data from various peripherals and possibly send data over bluetooth in-between events. An example would be having the event trigger every 30ms (2000 data points per peripheral), run the application(s) and then transfer data, but I think time may be limited due to how many operations I can undertake before the next cycle occurs.
A lot of this Bluetooth stuff is kind of hard to get right into; much of my experience at the university with hardware-related data transfer has been through setting register values to enable things like TX_EN/UART_RX, etc; and not work with various APIs. Thank you for your time, I appreciate any advice you all can give me.
P.S: On another note does anyone know if IAR is helpful towards students? I'd like to extend the 30-day trial to 60-90 days without the $2000 charge for the license. The school does not have a license for me to use.