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Welcome to Bluetooth® low energy (BLE) Forum
This forum is intended to provide a flexible and useful workspace to openly collaborate and develop on TI's SimpleLink™ Bluetooth low energy wireless MCUs (CC2640 / CC2650 / CC2540 / CC2541) & BLE-Stack Applications.
For questions about TI's Dual Mode Bluetooth CC2564 devices, please post in the Dual Mode Bluetooth® Forum
Support for the dual-band CC1350 in the BLE-only configuration while operating in the 2.4GHz ISM frequency band is also provided. Questions about sub-1GHz operation should be directed to the Sub-1 GHz - Proprietary and 15.4 Star networks Forum forum
Self Help Resources
For information on CC2540/CC2541, CC2640/CC2650 & BLE-Stack Applications please visit:
Please also review the sticky FAQ threads at the top of the forum.
Ground Rules
To ensure that the Wireless Connectivity E2E forum will be a high quality source of information for users,
please follow the guidelines below when posting questions.
Did you use E2E Search before posting?
Have you thoroughly searched for an answer to your question before asking?
Keep the Questions "On Topic"
- Please verify that you are posting in the correct sub-forum
Help us to Help you
- Give us details (which MCU are you using, which BLE-Stack SDK version, which development kit, etc)
- Ask specific questions. Vague answers get vague replies.
- Attach sniffer traces for BLE protocol issues and Schematic & Layout for custom HW issues. We are unable to accept code or schematics via private message.
Sharing or Posting Files
When sharing files with TI, please attach the file directly to the post. This can be accomplished by selecting "Use Rich Formatting" and the "Insert File" paperclip icon. Please note that the Terms of Use apply and, for security reasons, we cannot accept files liked to file sharing websites, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. Alternatively, you may post pull requests to GitHub.
Contribute to the Community
- Try to ask the question in a way so it is useful for others to read as well
- Sharing what you have found (or not found) helps everyone else reading the post. Tell us what you have found and why it does not fit your need.
- Follow up with a note on the solution if you have one
- Verify correct answers so it is easier for others to find the answer quickly.
Thanks for using and contributing to the Wireless Connectivity E2E, we look forward to working with you as you develop your Bluetooth low energy application!