Hi all,
We have a BT device on which are currently registering SDP record for SPP using SPP_Register_Generic_SDP_Record(). Now we want to add a sevice class for Basic Printing Profile(BPP).
I assigned UUID of 0x1118 and then created SDP record using SDP_Create_Service_Record(), which is returning success. But I'm not able to see any difference in UUID response of that device.
I even tried to scan for services using BlueSoleil tool. I can see BT device and services seen is Bluetooth SerialPort and Bluetooth Printer is not seen.
So I want to know is there is any prerequsites for adverstising the new SDP for BPP. Or what is the right method to do so.
I also want to know if there is any way to know that SDP is updated .
Thanks in advance