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I have created a new project with.
- Project -> Import CSS project
- browsed C:\ti\Connectivity\CC256X BT\CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK\v1.2 R2\Cortex_M4\Sample\SPPDemo\TI_RTOS
- after pressing enter i select SPPDemo (TI-RTOS)
- Checked box "copy projects into workspace"
New project appears in my workspace
Rebuild project creates the following output.
**** Build of configuration Debug - DK-TM4C129X for project SPPDemo ****
"C:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, C:/Users/ksandstr/workspace/SPPDemo/../../../../BuildScripts/SetTivaWarePath.bat, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake[1]: [pre-build] Error 2 (ignored)
' '
'Building file: C:/ti/Connectivity/CC256X BT/CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK/v1.2 R2/Cortex_M4/Sample/SPPDemo/TI_RTOS/TIRTOS.cfg'
'Invoking: XDCtools'
"C:/ti/xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/xs" --xdcpath="C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_02_27/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;" -o configPkg -t ti.targets.arm.elf.M4F -p ti.platforms.tiva:TM4C129XNCZAD -r release -c "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_5.2.2" --compileOptions "-g --optimize_with_debug" "C:/ti/Connectivity/CC256X BT/CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK/v1.2 R2/Cortex_M4/Sample/SPPDemo/TI_RTOS/TIRTOS.cfg"
js: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 51: Error: Error: Can't find the platform package 'ti.platforms.tiva'. TI platforms are no longer shipped as part of XDCtools (C:\ti\xdctools_3_30_04_52_core). Please ensure you are either using a pre-3.30 version of XDCtools or you have added a product that includes your platform support along the path 'C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_02_27/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;C:\ti\xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/packages'. Check that this path names a directory containing the necessary platform support and that the platform name is properly spelled.
gmake[1]: *** [configPkg/linker.cmd] Error 1
gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `C:/Users/ksandstr/TI_RTOS/startup/dk_tm4c129x/startup_ccs.c', needed by `dk-tm4c129x/startup_ccs.obj'.
gmake[1]: Target `main-build' not remade because of errors.
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
**** Build Finished ****
It seems some paths are wrong. Why? And how should i correct them?
The files that are reported as missing are in another path
C:\ti\Connectivity\CC256X BT\CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK\v1.2 R2\Cortex_M4\BuildScripts\SetTivaWarePath.bat
1) Not checking "copy to workspace" betakes my intention to do changes to the sample example!
2) Now I installed TI-RTOS via CCS App Center and created a project without copy to workspace
CCS App Center reports TI-RTOS for TivaC "Up to Date"
The build still reports some errors:
'Building file: C:/ti/Connectivity/CC256X BT/CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK/v1.2 R2/Cortex_M4/Sample/SPPDemo/TI_RTOS/TIRTOS.cfg'
'Invoking: XDCtools'
"C:/ti/xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/xs" --xdcpath="C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_02_27/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;" -o configPkg -t ti.targets.arm.elf.M4F -p ti.platforms.tiva:TM4C129XNCZAD -r release -c "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_5.2.3" --compileOptions "-g --optimize_with_debug" "C:/ti/Connectivity/CC256X BT/CC256x M4 Bluetopia SDK/v1.2 R2/Cortex_M4/Sample/SPPDemo/TI_RTOS/TIRTOS.cfg"
js: "C:/ti/xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/packages/xdc/tools/Cmdr.xs", line 51: Error: Error: Can't find the platform package 'ti.platforms.tiva'. TI platforms are no longer shipped as part of XDCtools (C:\ti\xdctools_3_30_04_52_core). Please ensure you are either using a pre-3.30 version of XDCtools or you have added a product that includes your platform support along the path 'C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_02_27/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;C:\ti\xdctools_3_30_04_52_core/packages'. Check that this path names a directory containing the necessary platform support and that the platform name is properly spelled.
gmake[1]: *** [configPkg/linker.cmd] Error 1
gmake[1]: Target `main-build' not remade because of errors.
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
The Problems tab also reports 8 warnings.
This path exists: C:\ti\tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38\products\bios_6_41_00_26\packages
This is looked for: C:\ti\tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38\products\bios_6_40_02_27\packages
And similarly for the other paths
Q1 -- Why are the right versions of TI-RTOS components not there?
Q2 -- Should I anyhow install TI-RTOS for TivaC outside of CCS ?