Edit: Problem has been solved, the issue was MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS was getting set to 3 on both the periph and central. Only the central should have this set to 3 while the periph should have it set to 1.
I have again run into a problem in my effort to port my simpleBLEcentral which connects to multiple simpleBLEperipherals (2). I have gotten both peripherals successfully connected and get the initial parameter updates. Following this I am having some problems:
first, when performing a connection update from the central, I get a "INSTANT PASSED" 0x28 error code from GAPCentralRole_UpdateLink()
second, when attempting to send a gatt request to the peripheral server via status = GATT_ReadCharValue(connHandle[ii], &req, selfEntity); I am getting a response of 0x16 (blePending) (and the request does not appear to be seen at the peripheral.
I tried flashing the peripherals back to the old V2.0 stack and the entire system functions as normal so I believe the problem lies on the peripheral side and not the central side.
I see some notes on the forums about instant passed but nothing that really helps me out much, any ideas?
EDIT: I did a test with the BLEstack v2.1 unmodified central and peripheral projects, it seems I am able to connect them to eachother and send data using the up button but if I press the 'right' button for connection update soon after connection I get disconnected with reason '40' (0x28 instant passed). So it seems this problem is special to 2.1