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Question about recharge pulse


 I have tried to reduce power consumption in my board.

 I followed your reference design as you can see below.

 However, what it is achieved regarding to recharge pulse  is a little bit difference with  "Measuring Bluetooth Smart Power Consumption" Application Report.

 Please refer to << Captured recharge pulse>> below.

 It is shown that peak value is higher and it consumes more power than application report.

 Therefore, it is consumes more power what it was expected.

 Is there any way to reduce the power consumption regarding to recharge pulse?


<< Captured recharge pulse>>

  • Hello,

    Which BLE Stack version are you using, 2.0 or 2.1?

    Best wishes
  • BLE stack 2.0 is used
  • Chongchun,

    You seem to have a DC current of 25uA (marker 2) which is not due to this recharges but rather something drawing current on the board (or floating input pins).
    Also not that the recharge algorithm in TI RTOS (used by the 2.0 BLE stack) contained a bug causing the recharges to happen more often than needed.

  • Thanks for supporting.

    I changed BLE stack from 2.0 to 2.1. Recharging pulse is slightly reduced though.

    However, regarding to recharge pulse, it is not changed anything although initialize all the GPIOs.
    I need a time to take a look into it.

    Chongchun Moon