Please tell us about the CC2541.
Attached is the UART of the waveform of the CC2541.
(1)Yellow: UART TX
(2)Purple: RTS
Before UART TX begins to move.
Are they able to make a RTS signal transfer in H -> L?
Best Regards,
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Please tell us about the CC2541.
Attached is the UART of the waveform of the CC2541.
(1)Yellow: UART TX
(2)Purple: RTS
Before UART TX begins to move.
Are they able to make a RTS signal transfer in H -> L?
Best Regards,
What software is this (stack version and project)? Here is an example capture. I would recommend following these timings as closely as possible. The software needed to open this file is here: http://support.saleae.com/hc/en-us/articles/201589175
capture: /cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/538/8561.UART-PM-sample.logicdata