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SimpleLink Academy

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS, ASH, CC2540, CC2640, CC2650, CCSTUDIO, CC2560, BLE-STACK

Hi all,

In an effort to make getting started with our RF stacks, TI-RTOS and the CC26xx/13xx platform a bit easier, we're trialing what we call SimpleLink Academy.

SimpleLink Academy works as a plugin of sorts to Code Composer Studio v6.1 and allows you to browse workshops and projects via the Resource Explorer.

You can now browse the labs and download the installer for the add-on to CCS Desktop Resource Explorer by going to SimpleLink Academy Overview.

The first version include a basic introduction to TI-RTOS and two BLE workshops. To get started with this version, you need to install TI BLE SDK v2.1 to c:\ti\simplelink (or install academy as a sibling to "simplelink"), and install Code Composer Studio.

If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback, please reply to this thread.

Best regards,

  • Hi Yeao-Nan,

    Thanks for letting us know the solution! And you are right - the newer version is needed to resolve the 'CC26XXWARE' etc path variables when copying files into the workspace.

    Best regards,

  • Hello!

    When you will add OAD guide in SimpleLink Academy?

  • Hi,

    We have a OAD user guide that comes with our BLE stack, which includes step by step instruction. If there is anything unclear to you, please let us know. We will update the documentation with your feedback.
  • Thanks for answer, Christin

    I repeat all steps from OAD user guide and I had success with simple_peripheral_cc2650lp. But when I try on my custom board I have really troubles with file linking. I wrote about my problem at but nobody answer me.

  • Hi when i try to import the lab 1 project it says See details below...
    Error: File/directory 'file:/C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08/products/cc26xxware_2_24_02_17393/linker_files/cc26x0f128.cmd' cannot be located!
    Error: File/directory 'file:/C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08/products/cc26xxware_2_24_02_17393/startup_files/ccfg.c' cannot be located!
    Error: File/directory 'file:/C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08/products/tidrivers_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_10/packages/ti/boards/CC2650_LAUNCHXL/CC2650_LAUNCHXL.c' cannot be located!
    Error: File/directory 'file:/C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08/products/tidrivers_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_10/packages/ti/boards/CC2650_LAUNCHXL/CC2650_LAUNCHXL.h' cannot be located!
    Error: File/directory 'file:/C:/ti/tirtos_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_08/products/tidrivers_cc13xx_cc26xx_2_20_01_10/packages/ti/boards/CC2650_LAUNCHXL/Board.h' cannot be located!

    I've installed the tiRTOS in a different directory G:/ as C:/ is full ! how do i tell CCS to look in that directory ??
  • Hi Ashwin,

    The SimpleLink Academy installer should have told you that it wasn't going to work. Did it? It expects the SLA install folder to be side by side with the TI-RTOS and BLE SDK.

    For example c:/ti/tirtos_xxx and c:/ti/simplelink_academy_xx. If placing them in the same location doesn't work, you'll have to edit the .projectspec file manually to look in another location. Find this in <academy_install_dir>/modules/projects/<project>/<somewhere>.

    Best regards,

  • Hi

    I have been trying to get through the BLE Fundamentals training two times (reinstalled everything and started from scratch today). But I never find the HostTest project...

    I have done following:
    1 Installed CCS version 7 and all SDK:s for every device, from: (chose the offline installation mode)

    2 Installed BLE Stack 2.2.1 from:

    3 Installed Simplelink Academy from:
    I found the link on this page:

    4 Changed the compiler version to 5.2.6

    5 Imported the ProjectZero project from Resource Explorer (Classic) and built, debugged stack, debugged app.

    6 Downloaded BLE Scanner for Android and connected to the CC2560 to turn on and off its LEDs.

    I am now trying to import the HostTest to my second CC2650 Launchpad by following this guide:
    But I cannot find it anywhere. I have tried to search for BLE, BLE-Stack, HostTest in both Resource Explorer and Resource Explorer Classic also gone through folders of interest manually...

    Where can i find it? What am I doing wrong?
  • You can find the host test image at
  • Hi Christin,

    I'm using the SmartRF06 with CC2650EM-7ID. I'm looking for the host test project (or image). As you said, at C:\ti\simplelink\ble_sdk_2_02_01_18\examples\hex there is an host test image, but it seems it is for the launchpad (due to the lp in cc2650lp). Does this image work for the cc2650em?
  • Hi Roberto,

    I believe it should work on the EM as the SPI interface is mapped to the same IOs. Try it! If it does not work it is just a matter of compiling the EM example project included in the SDK.
