I've been looking to use the I2C line on the CC2650 development kit using Sensor Controller Studio, but I'm not seeing anything come out of the CC2650 in the form of the clock. I've run my own code and run the I2C Light Sensor Code (which was similar) but every time the I2C Status Bit ends up being 2, indicating that the clock is timing out. I've hooked up an oscilloscope to the clock and data line and am seeing a flat 0 volt signal, even with the one shot trigger. I have tripled checked my pin outs and power; everything is hooked up properly and I'm not even seeing a signal come out of the other pins (except the active low resets and such). My code is as follows:
i2CTx(Address | I2C_OP_WRITE);
if(state.i2cStatus==0x000) {
Is there some kind of preset I am supposed to do with the CC2650 to configure the I2C accordingly? I assumed that setting the clock and timeout in Sensor Controller Studio would do it. Any insight?
Thank you,
Nick H