I am a bit confused about the minimum sampling rate required to correctly sample signal of certain frequency in CC2650 ADC. In Sensor Controller Studio, I fixed the sampling rate at 2kHz by calling function:
And I tried periodic sine waves of different frequencies: 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, and 1kHz.
It seems ADC with sampling rate fixed at 2kHz is only able to correctly sample sine waves of 100Hz. So the ratio of ADC sampling frequency/signal frequency is 2kHz/100Hz=20. Here shows the figures:
This is sine wave of 100Hz.
This is sine wave of 500Hz:
I am a bit surprised that the ratio is 20. Normally 12-bit ADC takes 14-cycle data conversion and 10-cycle hold time, so according to Nyquist theorem, the minimum ratio should be (10+14)*2=48? Did I make any mistakes here?
Your feedback will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!