The EVM license for the product states that it can't be used in a commercial product. However, when I called in to TI technical support, I asked what are options are because the product already closely fits our exact specifications for what hardware we need to integrate with our cloud platform. We would like to order thousands of units to use commercially--we service many of the largest brands in the food service industry. If we don't use the CC2650 directly, it will take extensive cost and effort to have the units manufactured. We would much prefer to use them off of the shelf.
I asked the support person what we could do to be compliant. I asked if it would be possible just to slightly modify the firmware, swap out the case, etc. He told me that we would actually be free to use the product commercially, but TI would not be liable for the product, nor would it be subject to recalls. We would have to test the units ourselves and be left to our own risk.
I wanted to confirm this, so I chatted a support person who told me that they felt like we couldn't do that the phone support person told me I could do. They also directed me to ask my question here. I feel like I have two opposite votes. I would ideally like to use the product as-is. If that's not possible, what is my path of least resistance. Calling through your extensive list of TI partners to find a manufacturer at reasonable would be a daunting task for us, and feels very prodigal considering that the CC2650 already has a manufacturer and distributors. I'd like to avoid being a victim of licensing technicalities and to move quickly and effectively at a loq cost. What is my best way forward? We love the SensorTag and it could make thousands of restaurant owners very happy if they could hook it into our cloud interfaces.