Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650
I am usnig Ble stack version v3.0.1 (C:\ti\simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_30_00_25) along with cc2640R2F chipset.
For My project I taken simple_peripheral project as a reference one.
Compiler used : IAR workbench 7.5
Problem :
After compilation if i see the application memory map file (attached in this thread), i could see some reserved RAM space.
Since these Reserved Space are not used by application and stack, but these Memory are counted in total RAM memory used.
The Memory Locations are,
Ranges reserved by absolute symbols:
By seeing the map file from 0x200000c7 to 0x20000430 also unused. whic h is around (1.2k).
Apart from this Reserved space application starts from 0x20000520 .
For what purpose this memories are reserved ?...., since in our project we are running out of RAM memory.
We badly need these memory section, if these memories are not really used .
I have attached the .map file with this query.
My Linker Settings are (for your reference):
--config_def CC2650=2 \
--config_def AUX_AS_RAM=1 \
--config_def FLASH_ROM_BUILD=2 \
--config "cc26xx_ble_app.icf" \
--keep __vector_table \
$(IAR_LD_LIB_FILES) --entry __iar_program_start --vfe \
Please Provide some suggestion on this.
Thanks and Advance.
Jayachandran R