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RTOS/CC2640R2F: Non-Connectable Non-Scannable Advertising in BLE 5 (ADV_EXT_IND)

Part Number: CC2640R2F

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

Hi all,

I've started working with the Evaluation BLE Stack, to check the new BLE5 Features.

The SW has changed quite a bit, and it seems lots of changes will have to be done to be able to run on the Evaluation Version (compared to the Production one).

In the previous BLE Stacks, we could directly which Kind of Advertising we wanted to transmit (for example, using GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND or GAP_ADTYPE_NONCONN_IND). In the Evaluation Version, it Looks like the Advertising type is selected based on the properties set in the Advertising Parameters structure. For example: Setting the property to GAP_ADV_PROP_LEGACY Ends up in GAP_ADTYPE_NONCONN_IND, or setting GAP_ADV_PROP_LEGACY | GAP_ADV_PROP_CONNECTABLE | GAP_ADV_PROP_SCANNABLE is GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND.

Is my understanding to this correct?

According to the BLE 5 Spec, it should be possible to define a non-connectable non-scannable Advertising which should ends up in ADV_EXT_IND. To my understanding, this should be reach by settings the Advertising properties to 0, so that non of the flags defined (GAP_ADV_PROP_*) are active. However, this does not work. The devices starts Advertising, but my Central Peripheral (the Launchpad ble5 central peripheral) does not receive anything.

Am I missunderstanding something, or is this Limitation or bug in the Evaluation BLE Stack?

Thanks and BR,


  • Hi Patrick,

    You said you were not able to set your advertising properties correctly but the device started advertising? What advertisement type is being sent out? Do you have a sniffer capture of the advertisements?
  • Hi,

    I don't have a real BL5 sniffer. I can set the Advertising props to 0, and the Phys to 1 Mbps, so that I get some Information with a Standard ble4 sniffer. There it shoes the PDU as unknown, with a Header of 0x0d07:

    • 0x0D07
    • RFU: 0
    • Randomized Tx Addr False
    • Randomized Rx Addr False
    • PDU Type: 0x07 (displayed as unknown, matches ADV_EXT_IND)
    • RFU: 0
    • Length: 13

    I'm using the simple examples: ble5_simple_central and ble5_simple_peripheral.

    Thanks and BR,


  • Hi,

    I've continued fighting with this issue, but this was clearly my fault. Filtering was turned on, to only accept Connectable and Complete PDUs:


    GapScan_setParam(SCAN_PARAM_FLT_PDU_TYPE, &temp16);

    Best regards,
