Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650, CC2540EMK-USB
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
i am working on a project and in my project the CC2640R2F is performing Advertising and scanning Both. I am using a custom Ble Service to receive Data from App(Android or IOS) to CC2640R2F. Whenever i am connecting the device with BLE Scanner in android i am getting all the services and all the characteristics and i am also able to send and receive the data without any problem and this is also working in my custom android app. But whenever i am connecting the CC2640R2F device with Ble scanner in IOS app, the device get connected but i am not getting any any services and any characteristics in the app. The same situation is with our developed custom ios app also. Why is this happening if i am getting all the things on android then this should also work on ios app.
Screenshot of Ble scanner Android app
IOS app ble scanner
check if bluetooth Powered On then scanForPeripherals
if peripheral found then connect to device
after device connected search for services (if services found then it will break the timer() else search for service again )