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1. CCS cannot find target config file for simple_peripheral_cc2650em_app project.
A: To fix this, open your project properties and select "General". Check the box marked "Manage the project's target-configuration automatically" and change "Connection" to Texas Instruments XDS100V3 USB Debug.
2. Host Test does not automatically respond to Connection Parameter Update Requests and instead allows the application to specify the response parameters. Responses must manually sent within 40 seconds of reception of the GAP_LinkParamUpdateRequest event 0x0612 using HCI_LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestReply or HCI_LERemoteConnectionParameterRequestNegativeReply.
3. Advertising (ADV) may stop when performing extended periods.(more than 1 hour)
A: The workaround is to stop and restart ADV on a periodic basis using a TI-RTOS Clock instance. The reason is due to an anomaly in the TI-RTOS RF Driver used by BLE-Stack v2.2.0 and v2.2.1
4. The CC2650 Remote Control (CC2650RC) "hid_adv_remote_cc2650rc_app" application project in CCS will fail to link due to incorrect TI-RTOS project configuration.
A: To fix this, open your project properties, General -> RTSC tab, select under "TI-RTOS for CC13XX and CC26XX". Rebuild the project.
1. Advertising (ADV) may stop when performing extended periods.(more than 1 hour)
A: The workaround is to stop and restart ADV on a periodic basis using a TI-RTOS Clock instance. The reason is due to an anomaly in the TI-RTOS RF Driver used by BLE-Stack v2.2.0 and v2.2.1
2. SensorTag Application project fails to build on CCS when the project is copied to the Workspace.
A: Do not copy the project to the Workspace when importing the project
3. SNV data may be lost following reset after first time power up when using OSAL_SNV=1 (default setting for stack projects).
A: To apply the fix, edit ble_sdk_2_02_00_31\src\components\services\src\nv\cc26xx\nvocop.c file. See here
const uint8 NV_FLASH[FLASH_PAGE_SIZE] = {0xFF};
4. Potential memory leak caused by using non-atomic Queue APIs that are not thread-safe in util.c.
A : edit ble_sdk_2_02_00_31\src\common\cc26xx\util.c. You can find the detail here
1: When switching to the 5x5 package, UART crashes in my BLE-Stack v2.1.x project, such as when initializing NPI.
A: An issue exists in the TI-RTOS 2.13 CC2650EM_5XD board file with the placement of the uartCC26XXHWAttrs structure. Please make the following change in the 5XD board file, usually located at C:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_13_00_06\packages\ti\boards\SRF06EB\CC2650EM_5XD:
#pragma DATA_SECTION(uartCC26XXObjects, ".const:uartCC26XXObjects")
#pragma DATA_SECTION(uartCC26XXHWAttrs, ".const:uartCC26XXHWAttrs")
This issue has been corrected in subsequent TI-RTOS SDK releases for CC26xx and is fully fixed in the BLE-Stack v2.2 SDK.
1. When switching to the 5x5 package, UART crashes in my BLE-Stack v2.1.x project, such as when initializing NPI.
A: An issue exists in the TI-RTOS 2.13 CC2650EM_5XD board file with the placement of the uartCC26XXHWAttrs structure. Please make the following change in the 5XD board file, usually located at C:\ti\tirtos_simplelink_2_13_00_06\packages\ti\boards\SRF06EB\CC2650EM_5XD:
#pragma DATA_SECTION(uartCC26XXObjects, ".const:uartCC26XXObjects")
#pragma DATA_SECTION(uartCC26XXHWAttrs, ".const:uartCC26XXHWAttrs")
This issue has been corrected in subsequent TI-RTOS SDK releases for CC26xx and is fully fixed in the BLE-Stack v2.2 SDK.