Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1, ENERGYTRACE, SYSCONFIG
Tried to switch UART on and off dynamically but it is not possible at least from power usage point of view - the load jumps up once I add UART or I2C tot SYSCFG, no matter if I don't use UART_init or if I use.
I need to have a solution which permits switching on/off peripherals on demand with their additional load too and I cannot do this - don't know if this is a bug or a feature I don't know how to use ...
It is easy to reproduce - I use the LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1, loaded simple peripheral, removed the buttons and Display port from SYSCFG (and code), jumpers to LED's removed.
Basic power usage between advertising peaks is different while I am using the same GPIO'13/14 as GPIO or UART pins (UART adds ~40uA).
While I can understand the UART needs additional power what I can't understand why I cannot control this with UART_init and UART_close - right now is enough to add the UART in SYSCFG and the load is already there, no matter of I use UART_init or not. We repeated the same tests with I2C and the result is the same, closing the I2C has no effect on load ...
Below are three testcases - GPIO, UART and UART+Uart_init made with EnergyTrace (same board, same code, only the syscfg is different - checked BoardGpioInitTable for the two cases and they are the same).
Repeated the tests with DMM instead of EnergyTrace - they are the same (just easier to make screenshots from EnergyTrace). Also repeated with a prototype having CC2642 (launchboard has CC2652) and the results are the same. SDK is simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_3_40_00_02, I will try 4.10 to see if anything changed on this matter.