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0. [RTLS_Monitor] We do not release anymore RTLS_Monitor. Instead, we provide a new user interface (UI) stored in your SDK in tools\ble5stack\rtls_agent\rtls_ui. Execute rtls_ui.exe, we advice you to have Google Chrome or Firefox as default web browser.
1. [TOF] Some connection issues have been detected and reproduced while using the new UI. We are currently working on them. For the moment, if you experience this problem, we advice you to restart the GUI and reset the devices.
2. [RTLS_UI] When a connection is dropped by the devices (i.e. not closed using the "Disconnect" button in the GUI), the connection status becomes incorrect. The logs display properly the “Disconnection success” but we still have the “Disconnect” and “Enable …” buttons available. However, you will experience an error if you click on one of those buttons. In this case, we advice you to click "Disconnect" and then reconnect your devices.
3. [AOA] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the master node might disconnect after aoa_start command is sent. WA requires delaying the aoa_start command for a few seconds after the connection is established.
4. [AOA] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the passive node sometimes fails to track some of the connections.
5. [AOA] In some cases, the angle measured is stuck at a given value. We are currently working on this problem. For the moment, if you experience this problem, we advice you to restart the GUI and reset the devices. A mass-erase and a re-flash of the devices might also been required.
1. ToF Master/Slave may go out of sync when RSSI is below -60
[Workaround]: This workaround corrects the issue BLESTACK-5182 (ToF Master/Slave may go out of sync when RSSI is below -60).
In your RTLS project, replace the files TOF.c/.h and tof_security.c/.h by the following ones:
/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights * granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user * who downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer) * and Texas Instruments Incorporated (the "License"). You may not use this * Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of the License. The License * limits your use, and you acknowledge, that the Software may not be modified, * copied or distributed unless embedded on a Texas Instruments microcontroller * or used solely and exclusively in conjunction with a Texas Instruments radio * frequency transceiver, which is integrated into your product. Other than for * the foregoing purpose, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative * works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or * its documentation for any purpose. * * YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE * PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL * TEXAS INSTRUMENTS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER * LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES * (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. * * Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software, * contact Texas Instruments Incorporated at * */ #include <TOF.h> // Tof Patches #include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h> #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(rf_patches/rf_patch_mce_tof.h) #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(rf_patches/rf_patch_rfe_tof.h) #if defined(CC26X2) #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(rf_patches/rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol_rtls.h) #elif defined(CC26XX_R2) #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(rf_patches/rf_patch_cpe_tof.h) #endif #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(inc/hw_rfc_dbell.h) #include "rfc_cmd_tof.h" #include <ti/drivers/rf/RF.h> #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h> #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h> #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Swi.h> #include "rtls_ctrl.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define USE_TRACER // Polynomial used for CRC-16 calculation #define CRC16_POLYNOMIAL 0x1021 // Amount of constant syncwords planted in the syncword list that allow for recovery from sync loss #define NUM_PASSIVE_SYNC_POINTS 1 // DC balanced constant syncword #define TOF_CONSTANT_SW 0x5AF881CCF070AAA4 // TI-RTOS RF Mode Object RF_Mode RF_Mode_tof = { .rfMode = RF_MODE_PROPRIETARY, #if defined(CC26X2) .cpePatchFxn = &rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol_rtls, #elif defined(CC26XX_R2) .cpePatchFxn = &rf_patch_cpe_tof, #endif .mcePatchFxn = &rf_patch_mce_tof, .rfePatchFxn = &rf_patch_rfe_tof, }; static uint32_t shape[6] = { ((19 << 12) | ( 410 )), // 500 ns pulse 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; #if defined(CC26XX) #if defined(CC26XX_R2) // Override list for the fast synth settings: // Overrides for CMD_RADIO_SETUP uint32_t pOverrides_2M[] = { MCE_RFE_OVERRIDE(1,0,0,1,0,0), ADI_HALFREG_OVERRIDE(0,61,0xF,0x0), // Force gain setting HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6084,0x3588), // Rx: Set LNA IB trim value based on the selected defaultPhy.mainMode setting. (NOTE: The value 0x8 is a placeholder. The value to use should be set during run-time by radio driver function.) ADI_HALFREG_OVERRIDE(0,4,0xF,0x8), // Shaper settings: // Enable shaper, gain = 0, use shaped 15.4 modulation (uint32_t)0x00810083, // Force mdmTxIf = 0 on synth calibration (uint32_t)0x00000343, // Force mdmRxIf = 0 on synth calibration (uint32_t)0x00000323, // Set TX IF to zero and no dynamic TX IF calculation (uint32_t)0x000000a3, // Place the pointer at correct place in command (uint32_t)0xC0040031, // Pointer to the shape (uint32_t)shape, // Fast synth settings: // Synth: Use 24 MHz crystal, enable extra PLL filtering (uint32_t)0x02010403, // Synth: Set fine top and bottom code to 127 and 0 HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x4020, 0x7F00), // Synth: Configure faster calibration HW32_ARRAY_OVERRIDE(0x4004, 1), // Synth: Configure faster calibration (uint32_t)0x1C0C0618, // Synth: Configure faster calibration (uint32_t)0xC00401A1, // Synth: Configure faster calibration (uint32_t)0x21010101, // Synth: Configure faster calibration (uint32_t)0xC0040141, // Synth: Configure faster calibration (uint32_t)0x00214AD3, // Synth: Decrease synth programming time-out by 90 us (0x0298 RAT ticks = 166 us) (uint32_t)0x02980243, // End of fast synth settings // Set the correlator threshold to 0x68, default is 0x5A HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5108, 0x0068), // Set correlator for pre-correlation to 0x2A, default is 0x3737 HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5104, 0x2A2A), // Elongate the slave RX/TX time by ~4 us HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x51F8, 0x01F4), #ifdef CACHE_AS_RAM 0x00018063, #endif //CACHE_AS_RAM // End of overrides (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF, }; #elif defined(CC26X2) uint32_t pOverrides_2M[] = { MCE_RFE_OVERRIDE(1,0,0,1,0,0), HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6098,0x3588), // Force gain setting (uint32_t)0x00000343, // Force mdmTxIf = 0 (uint32_t)0x00000323, // Force mdmRxIf = 0, will cause the synth to take into account when programming (uint32_t)0x000000a3, // Set TX IF to zero and no dynamic TX IF calculation (uint32_t)0x00810083, // Enable shaper, gain = 0, use shaped 15.4 modulation (uint32_t)0xC0040031, // Place the pointer at correct place in command (uint32_t)shape, // Pointer to the shape HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5118, 0x0068), // default = 0x005A HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5114, 0x2A2A), // default = 0x3737 //If we want to shorten the time for slave turnaround, we can mess with this override, writing to BRMACC0. turnaround is this value at 24 MHz HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5264, 0x0340), // DEFAULT: 0x190 (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF, }; #endif// <board> #endif //CC26XX rfc_CMD_SYNC_START_RAT_t RF_cmdStartRAT = { .commandNo = 0x080A, .status = 0x0000, .pNextOp = 0, // INSERT APPLICABLE POINTER: (uint8_t*)&xxx .startTime = 0x00000000, .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0, .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0, .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0, .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0, .condition.rule = 0x1, .condition.nSkip = 0x0, .__dummy0 = 0x00, .rat0 = 0x0000, }; // CMD_RADIO_SETUP rfc_CMD_RADIO_SETUP_t RF_cmdRadioSetup = { .commandNo = 0x0802, .status = 0x0000, .pNextOp = (rfc_radioOp_t*)&RF_cmdStartRAT, .startTime = 0x00000000, .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0, .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0, .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0, .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0, .condition.rule = 0x1, .condition.nSkip = 0x0, .mode = 0x02, #if defined(CC26XX_R2) .__dummy0 = 0x00, #endif .config.frontEndMode = 0x0, .config.biasMode = 0x0, .config.analogCfgMode = 0x0, .config.bNoFsPowerUp = 0x0, .txPower = 0x9330, .pRegOverride = 0, }; // CMD_TOF rfc_CMD_TOF_t RF_cmdTof = { .commandNo = 0x0811, .status = 0x0000, .pNextOp = 0, .startTime = 0x00000000, .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0, .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0, .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0, .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0, .condition.rule = 0x1, .condition.nSkip = 0x0, }; // CMD_FS rfc_CMD_FS_t RF_cmdFs = { .commandNo = 0x0803, .status = 0x0000, .pNextOp = 0, .startTime = 0x00000000, .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0, .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0, .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0, .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0, .condition.rule = 0x1, .condition.nSkip = 0x0, .frequency = 2432, .fractFreq = 0x0000, .synthConf.bTxMode = 0x1, .synthConf.refFreq = 0x0, .__dummy0 = 0x00, .__dummy1 = 0x00, .__dummy2 = 0x00, .__dummy3 = 0x0000, }; #define CMD_READ_FS_CAL 0x000D //!< Read frequency calibration command /// @brief RF Read frequency calibration command Structure struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_READ_FS_CAL_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x0601 uint8_t __dummy0; //!< Reserved uint8_t coarseCal; //!< Coarse calibration result uint8_t midCal; //!< Mid calibration result uint8_t ktCal; //!< KT calibration result uint16_t tdcCal; //!< TDC calibration result }; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_READ_FS_CAL_s rfc_CMD_READ_FS_CAL_t; //!< RF Read frequency calibration command Structure // Immediate command to read calibration settings rfc_CMD_READ_FS_CAL_t RF_cmdReadFsCal = { .commandNo = 0x000D, .__dummy0 = 0, .coarseCal = 0, .midCal = 0, .ktCal = 0, .tdcCal = 0 }; // Last RF event mask uint32_t g_lastRfHwiEventMask; // ToF application callback - will be called when a ToF run is complete (all syncwords exhausted) TOF_ApplicationCB tofApplicationCB = NULL; // RF Callback - RF Driver will call this function RF_Callback pRfCallbackFxn = NULL; // Security handle for tof_security module tofSecHandle_t gTofSecHandle; // Holds ToF synchronization control block ToF_Sync gTofSyncCB = {0}; #ifdef RTLS_TOF_DEBUG ToF_InternalStatistics gTofStatistics = {0}; #endif void TOF_calibrateSynth(ToF_Handle handle, uint16_t *freqList, uint8_t numFreq); void TOF_tofCallback(RF_Handle h, RF_CmdHandle ch, RF_EventMask e); void TOF_runImmediateWrapperFs(RF_Handle h, RF_CmdHandle ch, RF_EventMask e); void TOF_handleOutOfSync(void); void TOF_genSyncwordBatches(uint16_t numBatches); uint8_t TOF_genSyncWords(uint8_t bufferToFill); TofSyncState_e TOF_getSyncStatus(void); uint16_t TOF_crc16(uint16_t crc, uint8_t *pAddr, uint32_t len); TofHandshakeState_e TOF_handleTofHandshake(TofHandshakeState_e currentState); /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_tofCallback * * @brief Callback for RF * * @param h - RF Handle. * @param ch - RF Command Handle. * @param e - RF Event mast. * * @return none */ void TOF_tofCallback(RF_Handle h, RF_CmdHandle ch, RF_EventMask e) { g_lastRfHwiEventMask = e; if (e & RF_EventRxOk) { if ((tofApplicationCB != NULL)) { // Every time we generate a batch of syncwords we increment internal counter (all nodes) gTofSyncCB.internalCtr++; // Master needs to broadcast his current internal counter if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { uint16_t crc; uint32_t tempCtr = gTofSyncCB.internalCtr; // Calculate CRC crc = TOF_crc16(0, (uint8_t *)&tempCtr, sizeof(uint16_t)); gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.msg = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)crc + (uint32_t)(gTofSyncCB.internalCtr << 16)); } // Notify the upper layers that the ToF run is complete tofApplicationCB(); // If we got here then we're in sync gTofSyncCB.currentSyncState = TOF_SYNC_SYNCHRONIZED; // ToF run is completed successfully mark handshake state for the next run gTofSyncCB.handshakeState = TOF_HANDSHAKE_STARTED; // Calculate prior to the ToF run, how many RF_EventDoubleSyncWordBufferSwitch are going to be produced by RF gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining = RF_cmdTof.numIterations/(gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer); // This run was successful, generate initial words for next run TOF_genSyncwordBatches(1); #ifdef RTLS_TOF_DEBUG gTofStatistics.numGoodTofRuns++; #endif } } else if (e & RF_EventDoubleSyncWordBufferSwitch) { // Try to get sync status - processed in RxNOk or RxOk gTofSyncCB.currentSyncState = TOF_getSyncStatus(); if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster != ToF_ROLE_MASTER && gTofSyncCB.handshakeState != TOF_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE) { gTofSyncCB.handshakeState = TOF_handleTofHandshake(gTofSyncCB.handshakeState); } if ((RF_cmdTof.bMaster != ToF_ROLE_MASTER && gTofSyncCB.handshakeState != TOF_HANDSHAKE_RECOVERING) || RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { if (gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining != 0) { gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining--; } TOF_genSyncwordBatches(1); } } else if (e & RF_EventRxNOk) { // Handle Passive going out of sync with Master/Slave if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_PASSIVE && gTofSyncCB.currentSyncState == TOF_SYNC_OUT_OF_SYNC) { TOF_handleOutOfSync(); } // Once we enter this section there are two options: // 1. ToF handshake could not be completed -> mark that it failed and recover in the next run // 2. We couldn't finish the ToF run (but we could finish the handshake), generate batches until all nodes are aligned for the next run if (gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining > 0 && (gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining != RF_cmdTof.numIterations/(gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer))) { // Check if Master and Slave managed to complete a handshake // If we got here only after 1 buffer switch then the handshake certainly failed if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster != ToF_ROLE_MASTER && gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining == (RF_cmdTof.numIterations/(gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer)) - 1) { // After this pointer switching we will have the buffers #1,#2 loaded to the RF and #3 stored in a temp buffer RF_cmdTof.pSyncWord = (uint64_t *)gTofSecHandle.pTempSyncWordBuffer; // Handshake failed gTofSyncCB.handshakeState = TOF_HANDSHAKE_FAILED; #ifdef RTLS_TOF_DEBUG gTofStatistics.failedHandshakes++; #endif } else { // We did not complete a full run (numBuffSwitchRemaining > 0), generate the rest so all nodes are aligned for the next run TOF_genSyncwordBatches(gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining); // A full run was generated gTofSyncCB.internalCtr++; // ToF run is complete, a new handshake will begin in the next run gTofSyncCB.handshakeState = TOF_HANDSHAKE_STARTED; // Calculate prior to the ToF run, how many RF_EventDoubleSyncWordBufferSwitch are going to be produced by RF gTofSyncCB.numBuffSwitchRemaining = RF_cmdTof.numIterations/(gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer); } } // The whole run failed #ifdef RTLS_TOF_DEBUG gTofStatistics.numBadTofRuns++; #endif } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_open * * @brief Initiate RF ToF params and open RF driver * * @param tof - ToF structure initiated by user application * @param params - User provided params * * @return ToF Handle - Pointer to a ToF_Object */ ToF_Handle TOF_open(ToF_Struct *tof, ToF_Params *params) { // Default values params->syncTimeout = 2500*4; params->freqChangePeriod = 2; // Switch frequency for each 2 packets params->pRxBuf = NULL; params->pTxBuf = NULL; tof->freqChangePeriod = params->freqChangePeriod; tof->pFrequencies = params->pFrequencies; tof->numSyncwordsPerBurst = params->numSyncwordsPerBurst; tof->numFreqs = params->numFreq; tof->pT1RSSIBuf = params->pT1RSSIBuf; tof->tofRole = params->tofRole; tof->pTxBuf = params->pRxBuf; tof->pRxBuf = params->pTxBuf; tof->slaveLqiFilter = params->slaveLqiFilter; tof->postProcessLqiThresh = params->postProcessLqiThresh; tof->postProcessMagnRatio = params->postProcessMagnRatio; // ToF Security if (TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E != TOFSecurity_paramsInit(&gTofSecHandle, &(params->tofSecurityParams))) { return NULL; } if (params->tofRole == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { if (TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E != TOFSecurity_open(&gTofSecHandle, NULL)) { return NULL; } } // Initialize RF_Params rfParams; RF_Params_init(&rfParams); RF_cmdTof = (rfc_CMD_TOF_t){0}; // Clear all values rfParams.nPowerUpDuration = 4500; rfParams.nInactivityTimeout = BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER; // User configurable RF_cmdTof.syncTimeout = params->syncTimeout; // Timeout 0.250us ticks for first sync word. In order for RF core to stay in RX at first for longer RF_cmdTof.pT1RSSIBuf = params->pT1RSSIBuf; // Pointer to result buffer RF_cmdTof.numIterations = params->numSyncwordsPerBurst; // Number of iterations of the sync word buffer. Since sync word is changed between ping/ack, it needs to be double the amount of packets. RF_cmdTof.missedPktLimit = TOF_SEC_DBL_BUFF_SIZE - 2; // Limit for missed packets. Reached limit will cause RF core to return RF_cmdTof.pBufTx = params->pTxBuf; // Pointer to Tx buffer. If NULL then the buffer will be ignored by the RF core. RF_cmdTof.pBufRx = params->pRxBuf; // Pointer to Rx buffer. If NULL then the buffer will be ignored by the RF core. RF_cmdTof.pSyncWord = (uint64_t *)gTofSecHandle.pSyncWordBuffer1; // Pointer to sync words RF_cmdTof.pSyncWord2 = (uint64_t *)gTofSecHandle.pSyncWordBuffer2; // Pointer to the double buffer RF_cmdTof.bMaster = params->tofRole; // 2 -> Passive ,1 -> Master, 0 -> Slave RF_cmdTof.period = params->freqChangePeriod; // Period of frequency change in packets. Should be at least 2. RF_cmdTof.missedSW0Limit = TOF_SEC_DBL_BUFF_SIZE - 2; // Limit for number of missed first packets RF_cmdTof.resultReadyFrequency = 0xFFFF; // Partial read out not used here, set the partial readout to occur very(!) seldom -> no partial readout RF_cmdTof.useCompensation = TOF_COMPENSATION_CORRELATOR_COMP; RF_cmdTof.txRxBufferLen = 0; // Set buffer length to max. Needs to be set in accordance to pTxBuf and pRxBuf length. // Constant configuration RF_cmdTof.commandNo = 0x6801; RF_cmdTof.condition.rule = COND_NEVER; // When to run next command RF_cmdTof.endTime = 0; // Timeout per transmission set individually for slave and master below! RF_cmdTof.txPower = 0x3f; // MAX output power, not temperature compensated! RF_cmdTof.timeslotTimeout = 400*4; // Timeslot delay. should be enough to also include timeouts. RF_cmdTof.seed = 0; // Seed for LFSR random frequency hopping 0 = don't use LFSR, iterate linearly instead RF_cmdTof.mask = 0x59; // Mask for LFSR random frequency hopping. RF_cmdTof.freqCalibTime = 105*4; // Calibration time for the fast frequency change. Will be different depending on freq calib settings. Incluing LFSR calculation time RF_cmdTof.payloadLen = 32; // Payload length for RF_cmdTof.lqiThreshold = params->slaveLqiFilter; // LQI threshold for ToF Slave RF_cmdTof.bExportLQI_MagnDiff = TRUE; // If true, the RFcore will export LQI and magnitude difference as well // Double buffer used - Get the length of the double buffer RF_cmdTof.doubleBufferLen = gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer; // Conf 2M override RF_cmdRadioSetup.pRegOverride = pOverrides_2M; RF_cmdRadioSetup.mode = 2; // Set up the RF commands depending on master/slave/passive if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { // How long to wait for sync, in ticks of 0.250us #if defined(CC26X2) RF_cmdTof.endTime = RF_cmdTof.timeslotTimeout - 70*4; #elif defined(CC26XX_R2) RF_cmdTof.endTime = RF_cmdTof.timeslotTimeout - 50*4; #endif } else if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_PASSIVE) { // How long to wait for sync, in ticks of 0.250us. Could be trimmed to be less! RF_cmdTof.endTime = RF_cmdTof.timeslotTimeout - 70*4; RF_cmdTof.syncTimeout = 2500*4; } else if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_SLAVE) { // How long to wait for sync, in ticks of 0.250us. RF_cmdTof.endTime = RF_cmdTof.timeslotTimeout - 70*4; RF_cmdTof.syncTimeout = 2500*4; } /* Open radio driver */ tof->rfHandle = RF_open(&tof->rfObject, &RF_Mode_tof, (RF_RadioSetup*)&RF_cmdRadioSetup, &rfParams); if (tof->rfHandle) { if (params->pfnTofApplicationCB != NULL) { tofApplicationCB = params->pfnTofApplicationCB; } pRfCallbackFxn = TOF_tofCallback; // Zeroize sync control block memset(&gTofSyncCB, 0, sizeof(gTofSyncCB)); // Configure ToF synchronization if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER || RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_PASSIVE) { if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { // Initialize buffers, the rest is handled in the callback gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled = 2; TOF_genSyncwordBatches(2); } // How many chances the passive has to read gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.maximumNumberOfSyncs = NUM_PASSIVE_SYNC_POINTS; // Send broadcast every batch gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.period = gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer; // This is the constant word that will be transmitted by the Master to allow the Passive a chance to hear the shared counter gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.syncWord = TOF_CONSTANT_SW; // Initial counter is 0 gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.msg = 0; // Handshake starts at started gTofSyncCB.handshakeState = TOF_HANDSHAKE_STARTED; // Set broadcast structure for RF RF_cmdTof.BC = &gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast; } return (ToF_Handle)tof; } else { return NULL; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_run * * @brief Start a ToF run * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * @param nextTaskTime - Time remaining until next Stack event. * * @return ToF Status */ ToF_Status TOF_run(ToF_Handle handle, uint32_t nextTaskTime) { RF_ScheduleCmdParams cmdParams = { 0, RF_StartNotSpecified, RF_AllowDelayAny, 0, RF_EndNotSpecified, 0, 0 }; ToF_Status ret = {0}; // Set number of syncwords per burst RF_cmdTof.numIterations = handle->numSyncwordsPerBurst; // Both buffers should be marked as ready at this point RF_cmdTof.syncwordBufferReady = syncWordBufferOneReady | syncWordBufferTwoReady; // Set number of frequencies RF_cmdTof.numFreq = handle->numFreqs; // Run frequency calibration if needed for (int i = 0; i < handle->numFreqs; ++i) { if (handle->synthCal[i].freq != handle->pFrequencies[i]) { TOF_calibrateSynth(handle, handle->pFrequencies, handle->numFreqs); break; } } // Schedule the ToF run RF_cmdTof.startTime = RF_getCurrentTime() + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(1500); RF_cmdTof.startTrigger.triggerType = TRIG_ABSTIME; RF_cmdTof.startTrigger.pastTrig = 0; if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_PASSIVE) { RF_cmdTof.startTime = RF_getCurrentTime() + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(1000); } if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { RF_cmdTof.startTime = RF_cmdTof.startTime + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(1500); } cmdParams.endTime = RF_cmdTof.startTime + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(nextTaskTime - 5500); // Will return immediately RF_scheduleCmd(handle->rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdTof, &cmdParams, pRfCallbackFxn, RF_EventRxOk | RF_EventRxNOk | RF_EventDoubleSyncWordBufferSwitch | RF_EventLastCmdDone); ret.rfEvent = g_lastRfHwiEventMask, ret.ratSyncTime = RF_cmdTof.SW0Timestamp, // Reset sync time before next run RF_cmdTof.SW0Timestamp = 0; return ret; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_getBurstStat * * @brief Get the result for the last ToF burst (run) * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * @param stats - The ToF stats for the last run. * * @return none */ void TOF_getBurstStat(ToF_Handle handle, ToF_BurstStat **resultBuffer) { // Get the average ToF_Sample *pSample = (ToF_Sample *)handle->pT1RSSIBuf; ToF_BurstStat *stats = *resultBuffer; double magnRatio = (double)(handle->postProcessMagnRatio)/(100.0); uint32_t samplesPerBurst = handle->numSyncwordsPerBurst / 2; // Clean results buffer memset(stats, 0, handle->numFreqs * sizeof(ToF_BurstStat)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < samplesPerBurst; i++, pSample++) { uint32_t t1 = pSample->T1; double magn1DivMagn2 = (double)(pSample->rssiVal1)/(double)(pSample->rssiVal2); double magn2DivMagn1 = (double)(pSample->rssiVal2)/(double)(pSample->rssiVal1); if (t1 != TOF_TIMEOUTVAL && t1 != 0) { if (handle->tofRole == ToF_ROLE_MASTER) { if ((pSample->LQI_from_slave <= handle->postProcessLqiThresh) && (magn1DivMagn2 < magnRatio) && (magn2DivMagn1 < magnRatio)) { stats[pSample->freqIndex].tick += pSample->T1 / 256; stats[pSample->freqIndex].numOk++; } } else if (handle->tofRole == ToF_ROLE_PASSIVE) { if ((pSample->LQI_from_slave <= handle->postProcessLqiThresh) && (pSample->LQI_from_master <= handle->postProcessLqiThresh) && (magn1DivMagn2 < magnRatio) && (magn2DivMagn1 < magnRatio)) { stats[pSample->freqIndex].tick += pSample->T1 / 256; stats[pSample->freqIndex].numOk++; } } } } // This calculates the basic average per frequency (over only good samples) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handle->numFreqs; ++i) { stats[i].freq = handle->synthCal[i].freq; stats[i].tick /= stats[i].numOk; } // Find the variance pSample = (ToF_Sample *)handle->pT1RSSIBuf; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handle->numSyncwordsPerBurst / 2; i++, pSample++) { uint32_t t1 = pSample->T1; if (t1 != TOF_TIMEOUTVAL && t1 != 0) { double dev = pSample->T1 / 256 - stats[pSample->freqIndex].tick; stats[pSample->freqIndex].tickVariance += dev * dev; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handle->numFreqs; ++i) { stats[i].tickVariance /= stats[i].numOk; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_close * * @brief Close the ToF and RF drivers * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * * @return none */ void TOF_close(ToF_Handle handle) { volatile uint32_t keyHwi; // Delete synth calibrations handle->synthCal[0].freq = 0; // Close RF Handle RF_close(handle->rfHandle); // Close ToF Security TOFSecurity_close(&gTofSecHandle); // Free Tof Handle if (handle->pFrequencies) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(handle->pFrequencies); } if (handle->pT1RSSIBuf) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(handle->pT1RSSIBuf); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_clearBuffers * * @brief Clean buffers for the specified ToF Handle * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * * @return none */ void TOF_clearBuffers(ToF_Handle handle) { ToF_Sample *pSamples = (ToF_Sample *)handle->pT1RSSIBuf; for (int i = 0 ; i < handle->numSyncwordsPerBurst / 2 ; i++) { //Reset T1SampleBuf to T1 = timeout value =0xffff | RSSI = 0 pSamples[i].T1 = TOF_TIMEOUTVAL; pSamples[i].RSSI = 0xA; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_calibrateSynth * * @brief This function is used to pre-calibrate the synth for fast frequency changes. * In order for the fast changing to work, ToF_run must start at the "middle" frequency * so that the minimal offset between outer frequencies and start frequency if obtained. * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * @param freqList - List of frequencies that will be used for a ToF run. * @param numFreq - Amount of frequencies. * * @return none */ void TOF_calibrateSynth(ToF_Handle handle, uint16_t *freqList, uint8_t numFreq) { RF_ScheduleCmdParams cmdParams = { 0, RF_StartNotSpecified, RF_AllowDelayAny, 0, RF_EndNotSpecified, 0, 0 }; // Allow max TOF_MAX_NUM_FREQ frequencies numFreq = numFreq < TOF_MAX_NUM_FREQ ? numFreq : TOF_MAX_NUM_FREQ; // Calibrate for all frequencies: for (int i = 0 ; i < numFreq ; i++) { // Set frequency in struct: RF_cmdFs.frequency = freqList[i]; // Run cmd_Fs and wait for done: RF_cmdFs.startTime = RF_getCurrentTime(); RF_cmdFs.startTrigger.triggerType = TRIG_ABSTIME; RF_cmdFs.startTrigger.pastTrig = 1; cmdParams.endTime = RF_cmdFs.startTime + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(300); RF_runScheduleCmd(handle->rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdFs, &cmdParams, &TOF_runImmediateWrapperFs, 0); // Copy the results over to struct which is passed to RF core: handle->synthCal[i].freq = freqList[i]; // Save the current frequency handle->synthCal[i].mid = RF_cmdReadFsCal.midCal; handle->synthCal[i].coarse = RF_cmdReadFsCal.coarseCal; handle->synthCal[i].kt = RF_cmdReadFsCal.ktCal; handle->synthCal[i].tdc = RF_cmdReadFsCal.tdcCal; } // Provide RF_cmdToF with pointer to calibration data: RF_cmdTof.freqCalibList = handle->synthCal; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_runImmediateWrapperFs * * @brief A wrapper for runImmediateCmd. This routine is used as a callback * to RF_scheduleCmd. Once RF_scheduleCmd is finished, this routine will * be immediately called and RF_runImmediateCmd will be called subsequently. * * @param h - RF Handle. * @param ch - RF Command Handle. * @param e - RF Event mast. * * @return none */ void TOF_runImmediateWrapperFs(RF_Handle h, RF_CmdHandle ch, RF_EventMask e) { RF_runImmediateCmd(h, (uint32_t*)&RF_cmdReadFsCal); } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_GenSyncWords * * @brief Will fill Sync Word Buffers with <numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer> Sync Words * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * * @return None */ uint8_t TOF_genSyncWords(uint8_t bufferToFill) { uint8_t res; res = TOFSecurity_genSyncWords(&gTofSecHandle, bufferToFill); if (TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E == res) { switch(bufferToFill) { case TOF_SEC_FILL_1ST_BUFF: { RF_cmdTof.syncwordBufferReady |= syncWordBufferOneReady; } case TOF_SEC_FILL_2ND_BUFF: { RF_cmdTof.syncwordBufferReady |= syncWordBufferTwoReady; } case TOF_SEC_FILL_BOTH_BUFFS: { RF_cmdTof.syncwordBufferReady = syncWordBufferOneReady | syncWordBufferTwoReady; } } } return res; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_setSeed * * @brief call ToF Security module to set the AESCTRDRBG with a * new 128-bit random seed * * Note: This function can be used only by RTLS Passive and * RTLS Slave. It cannot be used by RTLS Master. * * @param handle - ToF Handle. * * @return int - TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E if succeeded, other if failed */ int TOF_setSeed(uint8_t* newSeed) { int result; result = TOFSecurity_open(&gTofSecHandle, newSeed); if (result == TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E) { gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled = 2; TOF_genSyncwordBatches(2); } return result; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_getSeed * * @brief copy 32 byte seed into dst * * @param dst - destination to copy seed into. * * @return None */ uint8_t TOF_getSeed(uint8_t *dst) { if (NULL != dst) { memcpy(dst, &gTofSecHandle.seed, AESCTRDRBG_SEED_LENGTH_AES_128); } else { return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_genSyncwordBatches * * @brief Skip some syncwords into the future (for synchronization purposes) * * @param numBatches - how many batches to generate * * @return None */ void TOF_genSyncwordBatches(uint16_t numBatches) { for (int i = 0; i < numBatches; i++) { // If the RF core is not currently using buffer 2, OK to fill it if (gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled == 1) { // Using sync word buffer 1 currently, fill the second buffer TOF_genSyncWords(TOF_SEC_FILL_2ND_BUFF); gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled = 2; } // Else if the RF core is not currently using buffer 1, OK to fill it else if (gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled == 2) { // Using sync word buffer 2 currently, fill the first buffer TOF_genSyncWords(TOF_SEC_FILL_1ST_BUFF); gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled = 1; } } } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_getSyncStatus * * @brief Check if we are in sync or not (read the shared counter) * * @param none * * @return TOF_SYNC_SYNCHRONIZED - we are in sync, TOF_OUT_OF_SYNC - we are out of sync, TOF_SYNC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC - we are not sure */ TofSyncState_e TOF_getSyncStatus(void) { uint16_t sharedCrc; uint32_t sharedCtr; uint16_t crcRes; // Master and Slave are always in sync if (RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_MASTER || RF_cmdTof.bMaster == ToF_ROLE_SLAVE) { return TOF_SYNC_SYNCHRONIZED; } // Get the shared counter if (RF_cmdTof.BC->rxMsg != NULL && RF_cmdTof.BC->rxMsg != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // Get shared CRC sharedCrc = (uint16_t)gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.rxMsg & 0x0000FFFF; // Calculate CRC on shared Ctr sharedCtr = gTofSyncCB.tofBroadcast.rxMsg >> 16; crcRes = TOF_crc16(0, (uint8_t *)&sharedCtr, sizeof(uint16_t)); if (sharedCrc != crcRes) { // CRC is incorrect, we don't know what is happening return TOF_SYNC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC; } // Save the last counter that we were able to read gTofSyncCB.lastSharedCtr = sharedCtr; // If shared counter is greater than our internal then we are out of sync if (gTofSyncCB.lastSharedCtr > gTofSyncCB.internalCtr) { return TOF_SYNC_OUT_OF_SYNC; } else if (gTofSyncCB.internalCtr > gTofSyncCB.lastSharedCtr) { // This state should not be reached // If our internal counter is greater than shared, then we need to wait (no generation of new words) return TOF_SYNC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC; } // Counters are equal return TOF_SYNC_SYNCHRONIZED; } return TOF_SYNC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_handleOutOfSync * * @brief Handle a situation where ToF Passive goes out of sync * This is done by comparing the shared counter derived from ToF Master with * our own internal counter and then skipping the right amount of syncwords * to regain sync * * @param none * * @return none */ void TOF_handleOutOfSync(void) { int16_t skipAmount; // Calculate the amount of batches we need to generate skipAmount = (int16_t)(gTofSyncCB.lastSharedCtr - gTofSyncCB.internalCtr); // Handle wraparound if (skipAmount < 0) { skipAmount = abs(skipAmount); } gTofSyncCB.internalCtr += skipAmount; // Start skipping // Calculating how many bursts/runs we need to skip is comprised of NumberOfRuns*(NumberOfBatchesPerRun) TOF_genSyncwordBatches(skipAmount*(RF_cmdTof.numIterations/(gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer))); // We tried to sync, we are not out of sync but can't tell for sure // Wait for next buffer switch to be certain gTofSyncCB.currentSyncState = TOF_SYNC_WAIT_FOR_SYNC; #ifdef RTLS_TOF_DEBUG gTofStatistics.numRecoveries++; gTofStatistics.numSkippedRuns += skipAmount; #endif } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_crc16 * * @brief A simple implementation of the crc-16 checksum algorithm, * courtesy of IAR (circa 2007) * * Note: If you use this function, you need to call it with an * extra number of zero bytes equal to the size of the * checksum (in this case 2), to "rotate out the answer" * * @param crc - The CRC value to start with * @param pAddr - Pointer to an array of bytes to run the CRC over * @param len - The number of bytes to process * * @return CRC-16 result */ uint16_t TOF_crc16(uint16_t crc, uint8_t *pAddr, uint32_t len) { while (len--) { uint8_t i; uint8_t byte = *(pAddr++); for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { uint32_t temp = crc; crc <<= 1; if (byte & 0x80) { crc |= 1; } if (temp & 0x8000) { crc ^= CRC16_POLYNOMIAL; } byte <<= 1; } } return crc; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_roleSwitch * * @brief Switch ToF role. ToF Master <-> ToF Passive * * @param newRole - new ToF role for RF patch * * @return None */ void TOF_roleSwitch(ToF_Role newRole) { RF_cmdTof.bMaster = newRole; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOF_handleTofHandshake * * @brief Handle ToF handshake state * * @param currentState - current state of the handshake * * @return returns the next state of the handshake */ TofHandshakeState_e TOF_handleTofHandshake(TofHandshakeState_e currentState) { switch (currentState) { case TOF_HANDSHAKE_STARTED: { // Save buffer #1 in case Master<->Slave handshake fails in the future if (gTofSecHandle.pTempSyncWordBuffer) { memcpy(gTofSecHandle.pTempSyncWordBuffer, gTofSecHandle.pSyncWordBuffer1, sizeof(uint64_t) * gTofSecHandle.numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer); } return TOF_HANDSHAKE_IN_PROGRESS; } break; case TOF_HANDSHAKE_FAILED: { // We know that in the previous run the handshake failed (we did generate a new batch of syncwords) // Prepare for a potentially successful handshake, buffers #3,#2 are loaded to RF at this point #1 is kept in temp RF_cmdTof.pSyncWord = (uint64_t *)gTofSecHandle.pSyncWordBuffer1; gTofSyncCB.lastBuffFilled = 1; RF_cmdTof.syncwordBufferReady |= syncWordBufferOneReady; return TOF_HANDSHAKE_RECOVERING; } break; case TOF_HANDSHAKE_RECOVERING: case TOF_HANDSHAKE_IN_PROGRESS: { // Two options to get here: // 1. We were in progress in the previous state // Now we got the second buffer switch which means that slave/passive heard the master for the second time // ToF handshake is now complete // 2. We were recovering from a failed handshake (we heard the master but it either did not hear us or the entire run failed immediately after) // Now we got the second buffer switch which means that we heard the other side for the second time // In either case the handshake is complete return TOF_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE; } break; } // We should never reach here return TOF_HANDSHAKE_FAILED; }
/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * IMPORTANT: Your use of this Software is limited to those specific rights * granted under the terms of a software license agreement between the user * who downloaded the software, his/her employer (which must be your employer) * and Texas Instruments Incorporated (the "License"). You may not use this * Software unless you agree to abide by the terms of the License. The License * limits your use, and you acknowledge, that the Software may not be modified, * copied or distributed unless embedded on a Texas Instruments microcontroller * or used solely and exclusively in conjunction with a Texas Instruments radio * frequency transceiver, which is integrated into your product. Other than for * the foregoing purpose, you may not use, reproduce, copy, prepare derivative * works of, modify, distribute, perform, display or sell this Software and/or * its documentation for any purpose. * * YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE * PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL * TEXAS INSTRUMENTS OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED UNDER CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, CONTRIBUTION, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR OTHER * LEGAL EQUITABLE THEORY ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR EXPENSES * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR LOST DATA, COST OF PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, TECHNOLOGY, SERVICES, OR ANY CLAIMS BY THIRD PARTIES * (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY DEFENSE THEREOF), OR OTHER SIMILAR COSTS. * * Should you have any questions regarding your right to use this Software, * contact Texas Instruments Incorporated at * */ #include "tof_security.h" #include "rtls_ctrl.h" #include <ti/drivers/cryptoutils/cryptokey/CryptoKeyPlaintext.h> #include <ti/drivers/TRNG.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h> #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Swi.h> /********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */ void TOFSecurity_freeBuffers(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle); /******************************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_paramsInit API * * @brief This function to initialize the tof security parameters. * * input parameters * * @param tofSecCfgPrms - A pointer to the user-defined tof security preset values. * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to an empty tof security handle. * * output parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to the tof security state. * * @return int - NULL if failed, other if succeeded */ int TOFSecurity_paramsInit(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle, tofSecCfgPrms_t *tofSecCfgPrms) { uint16_t sizeOfBuffToAlloc; // Sanity check if (tofSecHandle == NULL || tofSecCfgPrms == NULL) { return TOF_SEC_INVALID_PRMS_FAIL_E; } // Verify params valid if ((0 == tofSecCfgPrms->syncWordSize) || (0 == tofSecCfgPrms->totalNumOfSyncWords)) { return TOF_SEC_INVALID_PRMS_FAIL_E; } // Copy configuration parameters to handle memcpy(&(tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams),tofSecCfgPrms, sizeof(tofSecCfgPrms_t)); // Init buffer/s sizes if (TOF_MODE_DBL_BUF == tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.bUseDoubleBuffer) { tofSecHandle->numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer = TOF_SEC_DBL_BUFF_SIZE; } else { tofSecHandle->numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer = tofSecCfgPrms->totalNumOfSyncWords; } // Calculate size of buffer/s sizeOfBuffToAlloc = sizeof(uint8_t) * tofSecCfgPrms->syncWordSize * tofSecHandle->numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer; // Allocate first buffer RTLSUTIL_MALLOC(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1, sizeOfBuffToAlloc); if (NULL == (tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1)) { return TOF_SEC_ALLOC_FAIL_E; } // Allocate 2nd buffer? if (TOF_MODE_DBL_BUF == tofSecCfgPrms->bUseDoubleBuffer) { RTLSUTIL_MALLOC(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2, sizeOfBuffToAlloc); if (NULL == (tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2)) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1); return TOF_SEC_ALLOC_FAIL_E; } } // Allocate temp buffer RTLSUTIL_MALLOC(tofSecHandle->pTempSyncWordBuffer, sizeOfBuffToAlloc); if (NULL == (tofSecHandle->pTempSyncWordBuffer)) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2); RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1); return TOF_SEC_ALLOC_FAIL_E; } return TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E; } /******************************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_open API * * @brief This function is used to open AESCTRDRBG driver and, when needed, * to generate 128-bit random seed. * * input parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to an empty tof security handle. * * @param seed - NULL if need to generate seed, otherwise, a pointer to 128-bit random seed. * * output parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to the tof security state. * * @return int - NULL if failed, other if succeeded. */ int TOFSecurity_open(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle, uint8_t *seed) { AESCTRDRBG_Params drbgParams; int_fast16_t result; // If ToF master, generate seed if (seed == NULL) { TRNG_Handle trngHandle; TRNG_Params trngParams; CryptoKey seedKey; // Init TRNG driver TRNG_init(); TRNG_Params_init(&trngParams); trngParams.returnBehavior = TRNG_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_POLLING; // Open TRNG driver to get the handle trngHandle = TRNG_open(1, &trngParams); if (trngHandle == NULL) { TOFSecurity_freeBuffers(tofSecHandle); return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } // Init CryptoKey CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&seedKey, tofSecHandle->seed, AESCTRDRBG_SEED_LENGTH_AES_128); // Generate seed result = TRNG_generateEntropy(trngHandle, &seedKey); if (result != TRNG_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TOFSecurity_freeBuffers(tofSecHandle); TRNG_close(trngHandle); return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } // Close TRNG driver TRNG_close(trngHandle); } else { memcpy(tofSecHandle->seed, seed, AESCTRDRBG_SEED_LENGTH_AES_128); } // Init DRBG driver AESCTRDRBG_init(); AESCTRDRBG_Params_init(&drbgParams); drbgParams.keyLength = AESCTRDRBG_AES_KEY_LENGTH_128; drbgParams.reseedInterval = 0xFFFFFFFF; drbgParams.seed = tofSecHandle->seed; // Open DRBG driver tofSecHandle->drbgHandle = AESCTRDRBG_open(1, &drbgParams); if (tofSecHandle->drbgHandle == NULL) { TOFSecurity_freeBuffers(tofSecHandle); return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } return TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E; } /******************************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_close API * * @brief This function is used to close ToF Security and free buffers * * input parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to an empty tof security handle. * * output parameters * * @return int - NULL if failed, other if succeeded */ int TOFSecurity_close(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle) { // Free first buffer RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1); // If double buffer is enabled, free the other one as well if (tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.bUseDoubleBuffer == TOF_MODE_DBL_BUF) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2); } // Close DRBG driver AESCTRDRBG_close(tofSecHandle->drbgHandle); return TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_genSyncWords * * @brief Will fill each Sync Word Buffer with <numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer> Sync Words * * input parameters * * @param bufferToFill - An enum describing which buffers to fill * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to the tof security state. * * output parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to the tof security state. * * @return NULL if failed, other if succeeded */ int TOFSecurity_genSyncWords(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle, uint8_t bufferToFill) { CryptoKey syncWordKey; int_fast16_t result; if ((TOF_SEC_FILL_BOTH_BUFFS == bufferToFill) || (TOF_SEC_FILL_1ST_BUFF == bufferToFill)) { if (NULL != tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1) { // Initialise the CryptoKey CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&syncWordKey, tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1, tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.syncWordSize * tofSecHandle->numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer); // Generate syncwords result = AESCTRDRBG_getBytes(tofSecHandle->drbgHandle, &syncWordKey); if (result != AESCTRDRBG_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } } else { return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } } if ((TOF_SEC_FILL_BOTH_BUFFS == bufferToFill) || (TOF_SEC_FILL_2ND_BUFF == bufferToFill)) { if (tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.bUseDoubleBuffer) { if (NULL != tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2) { // Initialise the CryptoKey CryptoKeyPlaintext_initKey(&syncWordKey, tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2, tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.syncWordSize * tofSecHandle->numOfSyncWordsPerBuffer); // Generate syncwords result = AESCTRDRBG_getBytes(tofSecHandle->drbgHandle, &syncWordKey); if (result != AESCTRDRBG_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } } else { return TOF_SEC_GEN_FAIL_E; } } } return TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E; } /********************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_freeBuffers * * @brief This function free Sync Word Buffers * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to the tof security state. * * @return none */ void TOFSecurity_freeBuffers(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle) { if (tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1 != NULL) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1); } if (TOF_MODE_DBL_BUF == tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.bUseDoubleBuffer && tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2 != NULL) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2); } if (tofSecHandle->pTempSyncWordBuffer != NULL) { RTLSUTIL_FREE(tofSecHandle->pTempSyncWordBuffer); } }
2. TOF is not stable for connection interval greater than 1 second
3. Angle performance is not stable when antenna array 2 is used
4. [RTLS Passive] AoA angle calculation is deviated in low angles (0-10 degrees)
5. [AOA] When using only two antennas, the following code modifications are required:
#define AOA_NUM_ANTENNAS 2 //3 //!< Number of antennas in antenna array
const int16_t AoA_A1 = antA1Result->pairAngle[0] + antA1Result->channelOffset[antA1Result->ch]; const int16_t signalStrength_A1 = (antA1Result->signalStrength[0]);
1. Sometimes the RTLS_Monitor GUI can't seem to detect rtls_slave.
The reason behind it is that the GUI always issues a reset to the device, however, if there is some noise on TCK pin, after reset, device will stay in Halt-In-Boot. Then the device will act like it's connected to a debugger and waiting for users to hit run button to execute the software. This is due to the XDS tool emu pack on the LP.
To fix this, simply connect TCK to VDDS before running the GUI.
1. rtls_master has CACHE_AS_RAM enabled in the Predefined Symbols, however, this is not enough to actually enable using CACHE_AS_RAM feature.
To fix this, please fix the following file:
add "--define=CACHE_AS_RAM=1" in rtls_master_cc2640r2lp_app.projectspec under linkerBuildOptions section as shown in the picture below
Note: When using USB measurement devices such as Ellisys or Saleae, the RTLS provided scripts may not receive data properly. When logging, the commands may be received over the wire, but not forwarded to the UNPI parser Python. The USB CDC driver in the XDS110 and devices such as the saleae use "bulk" transfers and occasionally these measurement devices will consume 100% of USB bandwidth. See note by Saleae here: We recommend using the measurement device on a separate PC if possible, and always plug directly into PC where possible, avoiding hubs.
1. The out of box project for rtls_master and rtls_slave have build error due to the stack_library.projectspec is pointing to a wrong version of XDCTools. (CCS)
To fix this, please fix the following files:
<property name="products" value="com.ti.rtsc.XDCtools:"/>
<property name="products" value="com.ti.rtsc.XDCtools:"/>
2. triggers exception on close when running without a websocket (Python)
Add the following code to (~line 74)
if self.wss is not None: self.wss.stop()
3. Connection Monitor won't start when certain Connection Parameters are used
In micro_ble_cm.c, change the ubCM_startExt() function:
Remove the following:
ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].scanDuration = (uint16_t)(((data[4]<<8) + data[5]) * 4);
Add the following ~line 789
uint16_t chanSkip;
// With a 100ms connection interval we will skip 3 channels into the future // This is mainly done to ensure that even a very slow bus is able to send the connection information in time // In time: before the Master/Slave already go past the channel that we chose to listen on // If Master/Slave are already past this point, we will have to wait numChannels*connInterval until we catch the // connection once again chanSkip = (uint16_t)((640/ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].connInterval) + 1); setNextDataChan(sessionId, chanSkip); //jump some [ms] channels into the future ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].currentChan = ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].nextChan; // Catch anchor point n+2 connection intervals in the future ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].scanDuration = (uint16_t)(ubCMConnInfo.ArrayOfConnInfo[i].connInterval*(chanSkip + 1));
4. Cache as RAM cannot be used with RTLS projects
Due to limited heap memory on rtls_master, it is recommended to use the cache as ram configuration when more intensive results modes such as
RAW mode. See the guide for enabling Cache as RAM here. First apply changes below, Second apply project settings changes from the guide
In main.c of of the rtls_projects replace any calls to VIMSConfigure() and VIMSModeSet() with the following:
#ifdef CACHE_AS_RAM // retain cache during standby Power_setConstraint(PowerCC26XX_SB_VIMS_CACHE_RETAIN); Power_setConstraint(PowerCC26XX_NEED_FLASH_IN_IDLE); #else // Enable iCache prefetching VIMSConfigure(VIMS_BASE, TRUE, TRUE); // Enable cache VIMSModeSet(VIMS_BASE, VIMS_MODE_ENABLED); #endif //CACHE_AS_RAM
Add the following to ccfg_app_ble.c above #include <startup_files/ccfg.c>
In TOF.c add the following to the end of the pOverrides_2M array
#ifdef CACHE_AS_RAM 0x00018063, #endif //CACHE_AS_RAM 0xFFFFFFFF, };
5. ToF cannot be closed properly, update settings
Add the following to TOF.c near #includes
#include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h> #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Swi.h> #include "rtls/rtls_ctrl.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
Change params->freqChangePeriod in ToF_open() to
params->freqChangePeriod = 2; // Switch frequency for each 2 packets
Replace the contents of TOF_close() with the following
void TOF_close(ToF_Handle handle) { volatile uint32_t keyHwi; // Delete synth calibrations handle->synthCal[0].freq = 0; // Close RF Handle RF_close(handle->rfHandle); // Close ToF Security TOFSecurity_close(&tofSecHandle); // Free Tof Handle keyHwi = Hwi_disable(); free(handle->pFrequencies); free(handle->pT1RSSIBuf); Hwi_restore(keyHwi); }
Create a TOF_security close API anywhere in tof_security.c
/******************************************************************************* * @fn TOFSecurity_close API * * @brief This function is used to close ToF Security and free buffers * * input parameters * * @param tofSecHandle - A pointer to an empty tof security handle. * * output parameters * * @return uint8_t - NULL if failed, other if succeeded */ int TOFSecurity_close(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle) { volatile uint32_t keyHwi; keyHwi = Hwi_disable(); // Free first buffer free(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer1); // If double buffer is enabled, free the other one as well if (tofSecHandle->tofSecCfgParams.bUseDoubleBuffer == TOF_MODE_DBL_BUF) { free(tofSecHandle->pSyncWordBuffer2); } Hwi_restore(keyHwi); return TOF_SEC_SUCCESS_E; }
Add the following includes to tof_security.c
#include "rtls/rtls_ctrl.h" #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h>
Add the new security API definition to the tof_security.h header file
int TOFSecurity_close(tofSecHandle_t *tofSecHandle);
6. There exists various memory leaks in rtls_ctrl, the fixes are applied to a newer SDK. Please move to SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK or newer
7. Connection Monitor packets may not be flushed on repeated start/stops
Replace the contents of ull_flushAllDataEntry in ull.c with the following
void ull_flushAllDataEntry( dataEntryQ_t *pDataEntryQ ) { dataQ_t *pDataQueue; port_key_t key; port_key_t key_s; key = port_enterCS_HW(); key_s = port_enterCS_SW(); /* point to data queue */ pDataQueue = (dataQ_t *)pDataEntryQ; while ( pDataQueue->pNextDataEntry != NULL && pDataQueue->pNextDataEntry->status != DATA_ENTRY_PENDING) { /* mark the next System data entry as Pending */ pDataQueue->pNextDataEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING; /* advance to the next data entry in the data entry queue */ pDataQueue->pNextDataEntry = pDataQueue->pNextDataEntry->pNextEntry; } port_exitCS_SW(key_s); port_exitCS_HW(key); }
Replace the conetents of ull_rxEntryDoneCback() in ull.c with the following:
void ull_rxEntryDoneCback(void) { uint8 dataLen = 0; port_key_t key; port_key_t key_s; key = port_enterCS_HW(); key_s = port_enterCS_SW(); dataEntry_t *pDataEntry = ull_getNextDataEntry( (dataEntryQ_t *)urfiScanCmd.pParams->pRxQ ); /* get pointer to packet */ if ( (pDataEntry == NULL) || (pDataEntry->status != DATA_ENTRY_FINISHED) ) { port_exitCS_SW(key_s); port_exitCS_HW(key); /* nothing to do here */ return; } /* The callback will be called only if the previous adv packet is * processed by uGAP. */ if (Ull_advPktInuse == false) { Ull_advPktInuse = true; /* process RX FIFO data */ ull_getAdvChanPDU( &dataLen, advPkt ); /* in all cases, mark the RX queue data entry as free * Note: Even if there isn't any heap to copy to, this packet is considered * lost, and the queue entry is marked free for radio use. */ ull_nextDataEntryDone( (dataEntryQ_t *)urfiScanCmd.pParams->pRxQ ); } /* TBD: handle filtering and white list */ /* TBD: advPkt needs to be dynamically allocated and application freed */ /* We have an advertisment packet: * * | Preamble | Access Addr | PDU | CRC | * | 1-2 bytes | 4 bytes | 2-257 bytes | 3 bytes | * * The PDU is expended to: * | Header | Payload | * | 2 bytes | 1-255 bytes | * * The Header is expended to: * | PDU Type...RxAdd | Length | * | 1 byte | 1 byte | * * The Payload is expended to: * | AdvA | AdvData | * | 6 bytes | 0-31 bytes | * * The radio stripps the CRC and replaces it with the postfix. * * The Postfix is expended to: * | RSSI | Status | TimeStamp | * | 1 byte | 1 byte | 4 bytes | * * The Status is expended to: * | bCrcErr | bIgnore | channel | * | bit 7 | bit 6 | bit 5..0 | * * Note the advPkt is the beginning of PDU; the dataLen includes * the postfix length. * */ port_exitCS_SW(key_s); port_exitCS_HW(key); if (dataLen != 0) { ull_notifyScanIndication( SUCCESS, dataLen, advPkt ); } return; }
Replace ull_monitorStop() in ull.c with the following:
void ull_monitorStop(void) { port_key_t key; port_key_t key_h; key_h = port_enterCS_HW(); key = port_enterCS_SW(); if (ulState == ULL_STATE_MONITORING) { ulState = ULL_STATE_STANDBY; /* Cancel or stop generic Rx command */ if (urfiGenericRxHandle > 0) { /* flush RF commands */ RF_flushCmd(urfiHandle, urfiGenericRxHandle, 0); /* flush RX queue data entries */ ull_flushAllDataEntry( (dataEntryQ_t *)urfiGenericRxCmd.pParams->pRxQ); urfiGenericRxHandle = URFI_CMD_HANDLE_INVALID; } } port_exitCS_SW(key); port_exitCS_HW(key_h); }
Replace ull_rxEntryDoneCback() in ull.c with the following
void ull_rxEntryDoneCback(void) { uint8 dataLen; port_key_t key; port_key_t key_s; key = port_enterCS_HW(); key_s = port_enterCS_SW(); dataEntry_t *pDataEntry = ull_getNextDataEntry( (dataEntryQ_t *)urfiGenericRxCmd.pParams->pRxQ ); /* get pointer to packet */ if ( (pDataEntry == NULL) || (pDataEntry->status != DATA_ENTRY_FINISHED) ) { port_exitCS_HW(key); port_exitCS_SW(key_s); /* nothing to do here */ return; } /* process RX FIFO data */ ull_getPDU( &dataLen, monitorPkt ); /* in all cases, mark the RX queue data entry as free * Note: Even if there isn't any heap to copy to, this packet is considered * lost, and the queue entry is marked free for radio use. */ ull_nextDataEntryDone( (dataEntryQ_t *)urfiGenericRxCmd.pParams->pRxQ ); port_exitCS_HW(key); port_exitCS_SW(key_s); /* TBD: monitorPkt can be dynamically allocated and application freed */ /* We have a packet: * * | Preamble | Access Addr | PDU | CRC | * | 1-2 bytes | 4 bytes | 2-257 bytes | 3 bytes | * * The PDU is expended to (in case of RTLS_LOCATIONING_AOA defined) * | Header | Payload | * | 2-3 bytes | 1-255 bytes | * * If (Header[0] & 0x20 == 0x20) is true, then size of header is 3 * * The Header is expended to: * | PDU Type...RxAdd | Length | Additional Info | * | 1 byte | 1 byte | 1 byte | * * The PDU is expended to (RTLS_LOCATIONING_AOA is NOT defined) * | Header | Payload | * | 2 bytes | 1-255 bytes | * * The Header is expended to: * | PDU Type...RxAdd | Length | * | 1 byte | 1 byte | * * The radio stripps the CRC and replaces it with the postfix. * * The Postfix is expended to: * | RSSI | Status | TimeStamp | * | 1 byte | 1 byte | 4 bytes | * * The Status is expended to: * | bCrcErr | bIgnore | channel | * | bit 7 | bit 6 | bit 5..0 | * * Note the monitorPkt is the beginning of PDU; the dataLen includes * the postfix length. * */ if (dataLen != 0) { ull_notifyMonitorIndication( SUCCESS, ull_sessionId, dataLen, monitorPkt ); } return; }
8. TOF may fail to be enabled
Remove the following code form ToF.c::ToF_run()
Change RF_cmdFs.startTrigger.pastTrig = 1; to 0 and RF_cmdTof.startTrigger.pastTrig = 1; to 0.
9. The RTLS BLE libraries does not work on Windows 32 bit system
1. The TX output power was not initialized in the aoa project, which cause poor range performance when it comes to AoA.
The fix is to add the following line inside AoA.c :: static RF_RadioSetup aoaSetup =
.common.txPower = 0x9330,
2. There is issue regarding angle calculation in the AoA receiver project. When the I/Q signal is weak, the shift down >>10 inside AoA.c :: AngleComplexProductComp will cause the calculation to be off.
The fix is to replace content within these three functions inside AoA.c :: static inline int16_t iat2, int16_t iatan2sc, int16_t AngleComplexProductComp
static inline int16_t iat2(int32_t y, int32_t x) { return ((y*32+(x/2))/x)*2; // 3.39 mxdiff } int16_t iatan2sc(int32_t y, int32_t x) { // determine octant if (y >= 0) { // oct 0,1,2,3 if (x >= 0) { // oct 0,1 if (x > y) { return iat2(-y, -x)/2 + 0*32; } else { if (y == 0) return 0; // (x=0,y=0) return -iat2(-x, -y)/2 + 2*32; } } else { // oct 2,3 // if (-x <= y) { if (x >= -y) { return iat2(x, -y)/2 + 2*32; } else { return -iat2(-y, x)/2 + 4*32; } } } else { // oct 4,5,6,7 if (x < 0) { // oct 4,5 // if (-x > -y) { if (x < y) { return iat2(y, x)/2 + -4*32; } else { return -iat2(x, y)/2 + -2*32; } } else { // oct 6,7 // if (x <= -y) { if (-x >= y) { return iat2(-x, y)/2 + -2*32; } else { return -iat2(y, -x)/2 + -0*32; } } } } // Example code for processing IQ data int16_t AngleComplexProductComp(int16_t Xre, int16_t Xim, int16_t Yre, int16_t Yim) { int32_t Zre, Zim; int16_t angle; // X*conj(Y) Zre = Xre*Yre + Xim*Yim; Zim = Xim*Yre - Xre*Yim; // Angle. The angle is returned in 256/2*pi format [-128,127] values angle = iatan2sc(Zim, Zre); return (angle * angleconst); }
3. Modifying the DEFAULT_ADVERTISING_INTERVAL when sending ADV_NONCONN_IND packets does not have any effect. To fix this, please make the following three changes inside AoA.c :: void AOA_run(AoA_Handle handle, uint8_t channel, AoA_AntennaConfig *config, uint8_t pktId)
RF_cmdBleAdvNc.startTrigger.pastTrig = 1; RF_cmdNopTx.startTrigger.pastTrig = 1; if (channel == 37) { RF_cmdNopTx.startTime = RF_getCurrentTime() + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(5000); }
RF_cmdBleAdvNc.startTrigger.pastTrig = 0; RF_cmdNopTx.startTrigger.pastTrig = 0; if (channel == 37) { RF_cmdNopTx.startTime = handle->startTime + RF_getCurrentTime() + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(5000); } else { RF_cmdNopTx.startTime = RF_getCurrentTime() + RF_convertUsToRatTicks(500); }
4. lib_search doesn't work for RF multi-mode on MacOS, therefore, you can't run aoa and tof examples on Mac