Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430G2ET, RF430FRL152H, MSP-FET
I am using RF430FRL152HEVM together with MSP-EXP430G2ET and DLP7970ABP for its programming.
My goal is to program the RF430FRL152HEVM to obtain the temperature of the temperature sensor that it has incorporated and send the temperature value obtained through RF to another device, which would have an RF antenna to be able to read and save the temperature value, for example, an Arduino with RF antenna.
The case is that, point 1: I don't know how to get the temperature value of the RF430FRL152HEVM, I have achieved it with the GUI of RF430FRL152HEVM, in the graphic demo, but I need to create a CCS code to be able to read the temperature and be able to send it later.
Point 2: I don't know how to send the temperature value by RF to another device, and let this other one read it. I've been looking for information and it could be done with ISO15693 but I don't know how. I have also seen that it could be sent by NDEF but I do not know how, I ask for a lot of help in this matter please.
As a final question I wanted to add that I have two RF430FRL152HEVM devices, and I programmed one of them with the RF430FRL152HEVM GUI loading one of the examples that TI has for this device, specifically "RF430FRL152H_Default_Project_With_Custom_Command".
The fact is that when loading this program the RF430FRL152HEVM device stopped working with MSP-EXP430G2ET and DLP7970ABP, that is, the RF antenna stopped working, I have been looking for and I think it is by overwriting the IRQ vector of the RF interface, and therefore, RF communication is not possible.
I have read that it can only be fixed with the MSP-FET (device that I do not have). Is there any other way to fix the RF430FRL152HEVM device without the MSP-FET and get the RF antenna working again with the MSP-EXP430G2ET and DLP7970ABP?
Thanks for your attention.