i am working on uart on cc2530 and i have been reading DN 112"http://www.ti.com/lit/an/swra222b/swra222b.pdf"
i wrote the code in iar embedded workbench and it does not work
i trace the program and found that:
for (uartTxIndex = 0; uartTxIndex < uartTxBufLength; uartTxIndex++)
U0DBUF = uartTxBuf[uartTxIndex];
while( !UTX0IF );
UTX0IF = 0;
in that code the command U0DBUF = uartTxBuf[uartTxIndex]; is not executed as the value of the register U0DBUF does not change during the for loop
thanks in advance
the complete code
#include <iocc2530.h>
// C language code:
// Define and allocate a setup structure for the UART protocol:
typedef struct {
unsigned char uartNum : 1; // UART peripheral number (0 or 1)
unsigned char START : 1; // Start bit level (low/high)
unsigned char STOP : 1; // Stop bit level (low/high)
unsigned char SPB : 1; // Stop bits (0 => 1, 1 => 2)
unsigned char PARITY : 1; // Parity control (enable/disable)
unsigned char BIT9 : 1; // 9 bit enable (8bit / 9bit)
unsigned char D9 : 1; // 9th bit level or Parity type
unsigned char FLOW : 1; // HW Flow Control (enable/disable)
unsigned char ORDER : 1; // Data bit order(LSB/MSB first)
UART_PROT_CONFIG __xdata uartProtConfig;
// Define size of allocated UART RX/TX buffer (just an example)
// Allocate buffer+ind
unsigned short __xdata uartRxBuffer[SIZE_OF_UART_RX_BUFFER];
unsigned short __xdata uartTxBuffer[SIZE_OF_UART_TX_BUFFER];
unsigned short __xdata uartRxIndex, uartTxIndex;
// C language code:
// This function maps/connects the UART to the desired SoC I/O port.
// The application should call this function with "uartPortAlt" = 1 or 2,
// and "uartNum" = 0 or 1.
void uartMapPort(unsigned char uartPortAlt, unsigned char uartNum)
// If UART Port Alternative 1 desired
if(uartPortAlt == 1)
// If UART0 desired
if (uartNum == 0)
// Configure UART0 for Alternative 1 => Port P0 (PERCFG.U0CFG = 0)
PERCFG &= ~0x01;
// Configure relevant Port P0 pins for peripheral function:
// P0SEL.SELP0_2/3/4/5 = 1 => RX = P0_2, TX = P0_3, CT = P0_4, RT = P0_5
P0SEL |= 0x3C;
// Configure relevant Port P1 pins back to GPIO function
P1SEL &= ~0x3C;
// Else (UART1 desired)
// Configure UART1 for Alternative 1 => Port P0 (PERCFG.U1CFG = 0)
PERCFG &= ~0x02;
// Configure relevant Port P0 pins for peripheral function:
// P0SEL.SELP0_2/3/4/5 = 1 => CT = P0_2, RT = P0_3, TX = P0_4, RX = P0_5
P0SEL |= 0x3C;
// Configure relevant Port P1 pins back to GPIO function
P1SEL &= ~0xF0;
// Else (UART Port Alternative 2 desired)
// If UART0 desired
if (uartNum == 0) {
// Configure UART0 for Alternative 2 => Port P1 (PERCFG.U0CFG = 1)
PERCFG |= 0x01;
// P1SEL.SELP1_2/3/4/5 = 1 => CT = P1_2, RT = P1_3, RX = P1_4, TX = P1_5
P1SEL |= 0x3C;
// Configure relevant Port P0 pins back to GPIO function
P0SEL &= ~0x3C;
// Else (UART1 desired)
// Configure UART1 for Alternative 2 => Port P1 (PERCFG.U1CFG = 1)
PERCFG |= 0x02;
// P1SEL.SELP1_4/5/6/7 = 1 => CT = P1_4, RT = P1_5, TX = P1_6, RX = P1_7
P1SEL |= 0xF0;
// Configure relevant Port P0 pins back to GPIO function
P0SEL &= ~0x3C;
// C language code:
// This function initializes the UART bit rate.
void uartInitBitrate(unsigned char uartBaudM, unsigned char uartBaudE) {
// This initial code section ensures that the SoC system clock is driven
// by the HS XOSC:
// Clear CLKCON.OSC to make the SoC operate on the HS XOSC.
// Set CLKCON.TICKSPD/CLKSPD = 000 => system clock speed = HS RCOSC speed.
CLKCONCMD &= 0x80;
// Monitor CLKCON.OSC to ensure that the HS XOSC is stable and actually
// applied as system clock source before continuing code execution
while(CLKCONCMD & 0x40);
// Set SLEEP.OSC_PD to power down the HS RCOSC.
//SLEEP |= 0x04;
// Initialize bitrate (U0BAUD.BAUD_M, U0GCR.BAUD_E)
U0BAUD = uartBaudM;
U0GCR = (U0GCR&~0x1F) | uartBaudE;
// C language code:
// This function initializes the UART protocol (start/stop bit, data bits,
// parity, etc.). The application must call this function with an initialized
// data structure according to the code in Figure 12.
void uartInitProtocol(UART_PROT_CONFIG* uartProtConfig) {
// Initialize UART protocol for desired UART (0 or 1)
if (uartProtConfig->uartNum == 0)
// USART mode = UART (U0CSR.MODE = 1)
U0CSR |= 0x80;
// Start bit level = low => Idle level = high (U0UCR.START = 0)
// Start bit level = high => Idle level = low (U0UCR.START = 1)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x01) | uartProtConfig->START;
// Stop bit level = high (U0UCR.STOP = 1)
// Stop bit level = low (U0UCR.STOP = 0)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x02) | (uartProtConfig->STOP << 1);
// Number of stop bits = 1 (U0UCR.SPB = 0)
// Number of stop bits = 2 (U0UCR.SPB = 1)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x04) | (uartProtConfig->SPB << 2);
// Parity = disabled (U0UCR.PARITY = 0)
// Parity = enabled (U0UCR.PARITY = 1)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x08) | (uartProtConfig->PARITY << 3);
// 9-bit data disable = 8 bits transfer (U0UCR.BIT9 = 0)
// 9-bit data enable = 9 bits transfer (U0UCR.BIT9 = 1)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x10) | (uartProtConfig->BIT9 << 4);
// Level of bit 9 = 0 (U0UCR.D9 = 0), used when U0UCR.BIT9 = 1
// Level of bit 9 = 1 (U0UCR.D9 = 1), used when U0UCR.BIT9 = 1
// Parity = Even (U0UCR.D9 = 0), used when U0UCR.PARITY = 1
// Parity = Odd (U0UCR.D9 = 1), used when U0UCR.PARITY = 1
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x20) | (uartProtConfig->D9 << 5);
// Flow control = disabled (U0UCR.FLOW = 0)
// Flow control = enabled (U0UCR.FLOW = 1)
U0UCR = (U0UCR&~0x40) | (uartProtConfig->FLOW << 6);
// Bit order = MSB first (U0GCR.ORDER = 1)
// Bit order = LSB first (U0GCR.ORDER = 0) => For PC/Hyperterminal
U0GCR = (U0GCR&~0x20) | (uartProtConfig->ORDER << 5);
// USART mode = UART (U1CSR.MODE = 1)
U1CSR |= 0x80;
// Start bit level = low => Idle level = high (U1UCR.START = 0)
// Start bit level = high => Idle level = low (U1UCR.START = 1)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x01) | uartProtConfig->START;
// Stop bit level = high (U1UCR.STOP = 1)
// Stop bit level = low (U1UCR.STOP = 0)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x02) | (uartProtConfig->STOP << 1);
// Number of stop bits = 1 (U1UCR.SPB = 0)
// Number of stop bits = 2 (U1UCR.SPB = 1)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x04) | (uartProtConfig->SPB << 2);
// Parity = disabled (U1UCR.PARITY = 0)
// Parity = enabled (U1UCR.PARITY = 1)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x08) | (uartProtConfig->PARITY << 3);
// 9-bit data enable = 8 bits transfer (U1UCR.BIT9 = 0)
// 9-bit data enable = 8 bits transfer (U1UCR.BIT9 = 1)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x10) | (uartProtConfig->BIT9 << 4);
// Level of bit 9 = 0 (U1UCR.D9 = 0), used when U1UCR.BIT9 = 1
// Level of bit 9 = 1 (U1UCR.D9 = 1), used when U1UCR.BIT9 = 1
// Parity = Even (U1UCR.D9 = 0), used when U1UCR.PARITY = 1
// Parity = Odd (U1UCR.D9 = 1), used when U1UCR.PARITY = 1
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x20) | (uartProtConfig->D9 << 5);
// Flow control = disabled (U1UCR.FLOW = 0)
// Flow control = enabled (U1UCR.FLOW = 1)
U1UCR = (U1UCR&~0x40) | (uartProtConfig->FLOW << 6);
// Bit order = MSB first (U1GCR.ORDER = 1)
// Bit order = LSB first (U1GCR.ORDER = 0) => For PC/Hyperterminal
U1GCR = (U1GCR&~0x20) | (uartProtConfig->ORDER << 5);
// C language code:
// The two functions below send a range of bytes on the UARTx TX line. Note
// that, before the relevant function is called the application must execute
// the initialization code in Figure 3, Figure 11, Figure 12, and Figure 13.
// The code implements the following steps:
// 1. Clear TX interrupt request (UTXxIF = 0).
// 2. Loop: send each UARTx source byte on the UARTx TX line.
// 2a. Read byte from the allocated UART TX source buffer and write to UxDBUF.
// 2b. Wait until UART byte has been sent (UTXxIF = 1).
// 2c. Clear UTXxIF.
void uart0Send(unsigned char* uartTxBuf, unsigned short uartTxBufLength)
unsigned short uartTxIndex;
UTX0IF = 0;
for (uartTxIndex = 0; uartTxIndex < uartTxBufLength; uartTxIndex++)
U0DBUF = uartTxBuf[uartTxIndex];
while( !UTX0IF );
UTX0IF = 0;
void uart0Str(unsigned char uartTxStr[])
void delay()
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
for(int j=0;j<100;j++)
unsigned char s[20] = "Helllloooo\n\r\0";
void main()
P0DIR |= 0x40;
P0DIR |= 0x01;
P0_0 = 0;
UART_PROT_CONFIG h = {0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0};
P0_6 = !P0_6;