Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2652R, SYSCONFIG
Hello TI,
I am Working on RF ESL by using CC2652R MCU based on LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1
TI Proprietary RF
CCS - 12.5.0
Compiler Ver - 5.2.6
My code is based on "SDK - SimpleLink cc13xx CC26xx SDK -" example code rfUARTBridge.
I am transferring the data from TX to RX like 1000 packet s (each packet consist of 60 bytes of data).
When data transfer between two TX and RX works properly, when the boards are close together, It is working within 15 cm range.
when i am transferring the 1000 packets of data it is missing some packets when there is some distance between TX and RX, (above 15 cm range).
My Query is,
Please guide me about What are the possible causes and solutions for bulk data transmission over a distance using TI RF modules?
Thank you,
Ajay Reddy,
superUs systems.