Hi. I'm currently using cc2662 and I have a question.
Even if the cc2662 does not receive all the NodeIDs it needs to receive when communicating,
should it wait a certain amount of time and then send TXCNF unconditionally?
For example, if the number of nodes I want to receive is 12, TXCNF(macstatus=0x01) comes after a few nodes are missing.
Could this be the case?
For me to suspect the part that handles UART communication, exactly all packets from FE to FCS are missing.
Please let me know if there are any nodes that are missing even though CC2662 retryed, and if so, what command is sent to me.
And I have one more question.
I am sending a stackread by combining two commands to read the VCELL and GPIO registers,
but I think I should not process them because the data size of cc2662 is not enough to process the two commands.
When I combined the two commands and sent them, it seemed like TXCNF wasn't coming to me at some point.
How does CC2662 handle REQ/RES when the DATA SIZE is overflowed?