TRF7970A: TRF970A for ISO15396 Chip Ring Reader Application

Part Number: TRF7970A


Hey there,

I am currently developing an RFID reader intended for animal identification applications using chip rings on 13,56MHz Technology for my Bachelor Thesis. The reader must support ISO15396 and be capable not only of reading these tags but also of writing specific pages onto them. Additionally, the system will employ a large antenna with approximate dimensions of 70 cm x 20 cm to ensure sufficient coverage for the chip rings.

I am considering the TRF970A as a potential solution for this application and would like to inquire if you believe it is the optimal choice. Furthermore, could you advise whether a PA Type E power amplifier will be suficient enough in conjunction with the TRF970A to drive such a large antenna effectively?


  • Hi,

    The reader must support ISO15396 and be capable not only of reading these tags but also of writing specific pages onto them.

    TRF7970A only supports the below listed standards, not ISO15396. However,  It is possible to communicate with unsupported NFC/RFID tags and devices by operating the TRF79xxA in Direct Mode 0, which requires the host MCU to run at a multiple of 13.56 MHz to encode and decode the raw subcarrier signal. This allows the raw data to be received by the host MCU, which must process the received data including handling all packet and byte framing, parity checks, and CRC calculations

    Refer to the datasheet for details. 

    6.10.6 Direct Mode

    Direct mode allows the user to configure the reader in one of two ways. Direct mode 0 (bit 6 = 0, as defined in ISO Control register) allows the user to use only the front-end functions of the reader, bypassing the protocol implementation in the reader. For transmit functions, the user has direct access to the transmit modulator through the MOD pin (pin 14). On the receive side, the user has direct access to the subcarrier signal (digitized RF envelope signal) on I/O_6 (pin 23).

    • In mode 0, the reader is used as an AFE only, and protocol handling is bypassed.