Hi, I am working on a customized PCB design for CC2530 with balun 2450BM15A0002E from Johanson Technology and the Inverted-F Antenna from DN0007. Here is a screenshot of my design. Can anyone of you please help me to see if there is anything wrong/bad with my design for the Inverted-F Antenna, especially to clear my doubt for microstrip?
Here I use an L-match network (with a paralleled capacitor and a cascaded resistor) between the balun and the antenna. The width of the microstrips is 0.182mm (7.165mil) for a 50 ohm impedance. I made it this width because I use a 6-layer FR4 board, the distance between top layer and ground plane (the 1st inner-layer with the shortest distance from top layer) is 0.123mm. But the pads of the cascaded resistor is much larger than the microstrips, will it be a problem for the antenna??
If I change the ground plane to the next layer (the 2nd inner-layer which has a distance of 0.553mm from top layer), the width of microstrip lines will be 1.024mm (40.35mil). In this case the width of microstrip lines is much wider than the feed point of antanne (10 mil), will I get a high return loss at the connecting point with the antenna?
I am wondering which choice for the width of microstrips will be much better, to get a better performance?
I hope anyone who has a clearer idea would give me some advises. I also appreciate you would point out some other "bugs" with my design.
Thank you very much!