How to generate tables for finding carrier sense threshold.
In datasheet of CC1101 such tables for 2.4K baud and 250K baud are given. But how to generate similar tables for 10Kdata rate, MSK at 865MHZ base-band frequency?
In our project we have to use listen before talk policy.We have configured CCA mode as 0x03 (If RSSI below threshold unless currently receiving a packet). In our case one board (Say master) sends broadcast query and all other boards (slaves) gives response to this query using listen-before-talk policy. But master is unable to receive reply from all boards. If we look at slave boards log, all boards shows that they have transmitted the packet on RF. But we suspect that CC1101 is not able to detect carrier due to which there might be collisions taking place over RF network.
So we want to change carrier sense threshold setting.
Thanks in advance.