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I'm building off the CC2530 Software Examples to make a simple code that will transmit my own packets over BasicRF. I'm still new to C-language and hope to develop TIMAC stuff later on, but for now, I'm just sticking with BasicRF.
Anyways, I'm using light_switch stuff and the basic_rf API as a reference and I got a code that fully compiled, but I'm getting problem in the linker. My code is as follows:
#include <ioCC2530.h>
#include <basic_rf.h>
#include "hal_rf.h"
#include "hal_mcu.h"
#include <hal_assert.h>
#define RF_CHANNEL 25 // 2.4 GHz RF channel
// BasicRF address definitions
#define PAN_ID 0x2007
#define MY_ADDR 0x2520
#define DONGLE 0xBEEF
static uint8 pTxData[APP_PAYLOAD_LENGTH];
static basicRfCfg_t basicRfConfig;
int main(void)
{ int a;
basicRfConfig.panId = PAN_ID; = RF_CHANNEL
basicRfConfig.ackRequest = TRUE;
for(a=0;a<100;a=a+1) //Creating loop 0-100 line 40
pTxData[0] = a;
// Initialize BasicRF
basicRfConfig.myAddr = MY_ADDR;
if(basicRfInit(&basicRfConfig)==FAILED) {
basicRfSendPacket(DONGLE, pTxData, APP_PAYLOAD_LENGTH);
However, I'm getting Error[e46] as follows:
Error[e46]: Undefined external "halBoardInit::?relay" referred in MYCODE
Error[e46]: Undefined external "basicRfInit::?relay" referred in MYCODE
Error[e46]: Undefined external "halAssertHandler::?relay" referred in MYCODE
Error[e46]: Undefined external "basicRfSendPacket::?relay" referred in MYCODE
I tried everything I could find that seemed reasonable on this forum already so now I'm asking for help.
The functions ARE in the header files! How are they undefined???
Please help as it is the only thing keeping my code from entering Debug mode now!!!
Hello Joseph,
Only the header file definitions are not enough unless the function declaration are defined somewhere else in your code. Search for the files which contain these functions in your windows explorer window and make sure that the files are included in your project.